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Thursday, June 9, 2011

No Really: SWAT Team Raids House at 6 AM and Handcuffs Father of Three Young Kids to Execute a Dept. of Education Search Warrant for Estranged Wife's Defaulted Student Loans

As you will read at the link - IMO - a cover story is already being offered (to avoid the continuing absurbity of using SWAT teams for all kinds of actions they were never intended for) - - tell a friend you read it on BS. Barf Stew.
SWAT Workout: Extreme Weight Loss and Fat Burning
Combine Extreme Food Eating And Swimsuits and Time Travel and what do you get? Today's Shorpy!

(click to enlarge) (with comments)

From the Glimmers Of Hope category - a blog that describes itself this way and then delivers - - An honest attempt to dig deep into the Internet and post information about the latest and greatest in the assistive technology world. Stewable.

The Illustrated Guide to Assistive Technology and Devices: Tools and Gadgets for Living Independently
And, if you are here for the UFO stuff - here's a great post about the fringe UFO stuff - BS.
As Barfsters know, the MSM has been saying the economy is expanding and that the Great Recession has been over for sometime (now called the Obama Recovery around here) - however, now the MSM tells us of soft patches and air pockets and other positionings to describe a less than stellar viewpoint. But, the MSM continues to parrot President Obama's talk about high paying jobs being what we are developing with our so-called investments - like this - McDonald's Could Account for Half of May's Job Growth - - btw, many to most FF restaurants beef it up employee wise in summer (teen summer employment, vacation locations, etc).
Makes you all warm and fuzzy about the state of the economy doesn't it?
Here for today's sexy picture? -
Barf Stew Entertains.
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