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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Programs For Rigging Elections 51-49 Says Computer Programmer - UNDER OATH

The sheer folly of our `two' parties in America is BEYOND BELIEF to those who do follow the gig closely. Here, in this YouTube report, is a computer programmer who is in a court of law testifying that he could write programs that would rig elections and `officials' wouldn't catch it. You don't have to listen long at all to the more than 10 minute vid as he SAYS IT in the first TWO minutes. PLEASE forward this video to those of your `friends' who think EITHER of these parties are the be all end all.

How to Rig an Election: Confessions of a Republican Operative
How they rig our elections: The coming dictatorship of big labor and the radicals
Meanwhile..... Reagan and the Extraterrestrial Secret - - what did RR say at a private screening of E.T. that would have me post this decades later. Stewable.
Messages: The World's Most Documented Extraterrestrial Contact Story
And, from the Glimmers Of Hope category -- IS google about to break the stranglehold of decades of forced energy dependence? -- This is a very worthy read that indicates Google has HUGE ambitions (fueled by the need to supply its own operation/power needs) - that could indeed change the world power structure in more ways than one. - New Google R&D Team Charged With Making Renewable Energy Work For The Market - - stewable.

Powering the Future: A Scientist's Guide to Energy Independence
The Renewable Energy Handbook, Revised Edition: The Updated Comprehensive Guide to Renewable Energy and Independent Living
Barfsters have probably heard of the Phoenix Lights of 1997 - but, have you heard of the PL of 2008? A TV report -
The Phoenix Lights: A Skeptics Discovery that We Are Not Alone
In more data the media doesn't like to mention -
More Blacks In Prison Than Slaves In 1850 – War On Drugs - - Barf and Roll for the politicians and MSM. BS Politics.
One sign of America's failed Drug War is the rise in LEGAL HIGHS - here's a site that REVIEWS this stuff - - BS.
If the politics I bring to you today hits home - please - turn someone you know onto Barf Stew!
Ok, so you are here for the Daily Sexy Picture - looks like someone is growing out of last years suit.
Meanwhile.... Fox News - Five People Arrested for Dancing - - the bea(s)t goes on.
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