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Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Obama Recovery - And the Booming Need For Street BoardSign Men, Gold Buying Shops, and, Thrift Stores

A few days ago BS brought you the real deal about what might happen if the US Congress does not pass some sort of debt ceiling deal - - any number of things, but, NOT missing a payment on our debt interest - evidently. But, today, BS would like to comment on the obvious, that the media avoids at almost all cost, when talking about the current economic mess - what BS now calls The Obama Recovery.

Now, remember, BS hates BOTH parties - yet has NO interest in vacilating with the `great independent majority' between the two (actually one) parties either. As NEITHER party is worth the symbol that represents them - a Jackass and a bloated Elephant - well, come to think of it, perhaps they are worth those symbols. Indeed, if NOW isn't the time for the MSM to call the bluff of the worthlessness of the politicians and the two political parties, when is? (Since when should America be governed by parties with at most 25% individual support by the people? How can there NOT be another voice?)

As evidently everyone but the MSM knows, the only recovery since 2008 has been to the bankers and those retail stores of desperation - gold buying shops and thrift stores; then again, there has been a 4000% increase in the streetwalking billboard people, usually trying to get you to sell your gold, or for the going out of business furniture store (or similar). And, everyone knows, even though the MSM hardly mentions it - that the Obama Recovery was nothing more than saving the state governments asses during the downturn, with money to keep the state workers still collecting money instead of getting cut, and unemployed, like everyone else,  like they needed to be in 2008.

Now the new MSM term is a `jobless recovery' and the new worry of `slipping back' into a recession ---- hey MSM, get a f'ing clue - there has been no recovery. What a worthless MSM. Wouldn't NOW have been a good time to feature some folks who are NOT republicans and NOT democrats? Like a few Libertarians?

But, in about a year or so - both of these worthless parties will ask for your votes - on the government mouthpiece - the MSM. Please; BS asks you to -  for ONCE --- don't waste your vote by clicking ANY republinut or democrap. PLEASE. And know that as the MSM tells you that you waste your vote by NOT voting or voting for a third party - that the REAL waste is voting for the same worthless parties over and over.
Frankly, I'd have the debt ceiling raised,..... oh, perhaps 500 billion dollars - so that it would sink in how the congress is overspending - again and again. Until we get some representatives who AREN'T repo's or demo's. To BS, every few months going thru the same charade may actually do some good at enforcing how worthless these members of congress actually are.
Can the day be far off when the oil and energy producing states say ------ SEE YA -------- to the US Government? Why should those states support states like California? Wouldn't a `new country' comprised of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and such be much more stable? Maybe the south itself should break off again? How long before the US `aquires' Canada and the oil producing areas of Mexico?
Indeed, how bad are things really? -- Well, read this -----> - yes, THAT worthless.
Here's a tease:
Even the $4 trillion “grand bargain” on debt reduction hammered out by President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio)—a deal that collapsed nearly as quickly as it came together—would not have gotten the U.S. where it needs to be. A June analysis by the Congressional Budget Office concluded that keeping the U.S.’s ratio of debt to gross domestic product at current levels until the year 2085 (to avoid scaring off investors) would require spending cuts, tax hikes, or a combination of both equal to 8.3 percent of GDP each year for the next 75 years, vs. the most likely (i.e. “alternative”) scenario. That translates to $15 trillion over the next decade—or more than three times what Obama and Boehner were considering......
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Damned Lies and Statistics: Untangling Numbers from the Media, Politicians, and ActivistsLies, Sex and Politicians: Communicating the Old Testament in Contemporary CultureSex, Lies and Politics: Gay Politicians in the Press
Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International PoliticsScandal! Politicians, Athletes, Television Producers and Televangelists Who Lie, Cheat, Steal, or Engage in Other Dishonest or Unethical BehaviorLies the Government Told You: Myth, Power, and Deception in American History
How long has it been since you've read a political book?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Oklahoma's Bigfoot - Ex-Ranger Confirms In TV Interview

Do Bigfoots rut in the fall? Do Bigfoots exist in Oklahoma? - BS.
Bigfooting In OklahomaOn the Fringe 'In search of Bigfoot'Sasquatch Odyssey: The Hunt for Bigfoot
Run Cursor Over Pictures For Info
Meanwhile..... Alberta: Bigfoot Walking on Water - - NOT what you think, give it a click.
The BS Daily Sexy Picture - OMG hot, right? -- The BS gallery link can be found in the sidebar if you search. BS Entertains.
And, in what has to be the Cropcircle of the YEAR:


Sedona: Journal of Emergence (July 1996) How Your Thought Affects Every Living Thing; Pull Down the Lightbody and Raise Your Frequency; Crop-Circle Update; Through Alien Eyes, Part Four; Empowering Your Imagination; Abraham Teachings: A Synopsis (Vol. 6, No. 7)Alien LogExclusive Fashion: Designer Inspired Titanium Crop-Circle Black Enamel Pendant for Men on a Stainless Steel Ball Chain Run Cursor Over Pics For Info
If you are here for today's UFO link - UDCC has another webmaster UFO story.. and a Great UFO website to explore this Saturday. Stewable.
Speaking of UFOs; how about another ORB caller:

Thanks for your visit today. Please bookmark and return. --- BTW, over 550 posts are in the Archive.
Solar Products are Everywhere
IOGEAR Solar Bluetooth Caller Announce Hands Free Car Kit GBHFK331 (Gray)Samsonite Solar Business Laptop Backpack BlackAurora HC127 Dual Power Executive Foldable Style 8 Digit Hardcase Calculator
Moon Jar Solar Light - BlueReal Estate Solar Sign Light - Run Cursor Over Pictures For More Info

Friday, July 29, 2011

Survey Says: God's Approval Number - 52%

Frankly, I'm almost surprised it is that high in this study of 928 folks recently interviewed - - that said, 9% disapproved of God's........ whatever. More details includes BS like:
The poll also gauged God's handling of specific "issues." When asked to rate God on the creation of the universe, 71 percent of voters approved and only 5 percent disapproved. Respondents were also generally appreciative of God's governance of the "animal kingdom," with 56 percent approving and 11 percent disapproving.
Don't shy away from clicking the link as more details about God's public perception are within.
The Gods of Dream: An Epic FantasyWomen Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost EverythingTheir Eyes Were Watching God

IF you are into surveys - here's another BS study -
Meanwhile...... Thomas Sawyer, Cancer Survivor, Gets Soaked By His Own Urine Again By TSA - - More TSA BS.
Remember the song Instant Karma? - It's the first link, a video, on my newsblog today - a little boy is given IK,
Oh, I updated my SUV blog yesterday - another co-incidence about UFO folks I assume - - Stewable.
Ready for an Alien On The Street Video? Over 9 Million Views.

Alien RaidersMemories of Heavenly WingsThey Aren't Human
Run Cursor Over Pictures For More Info
You say you are still waiting for BS's Daily Sexy Picture? Fine. OMG, Barf Stew Entertains.
And, here's today's UFO link for you - - did DOZENS of students in 1966 see a UFO land? Some Stewable Interviews.
Thanks for your visit today - The Sidebar Hold Treasures.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Could Voting Be Increased With ONE LETTER?

Here's a little Barf Stew `study' that suggests that the addition of the letter `r' - added to ONE word - could change the way people think about voting - - all that said, the TOTAL sample size on THREE combined studies is under 400. Just sayin.
The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies (New Edition)
How Voters Decide: Information Processing in Election Campaigns (Cambridge Studies in Public Opinion and Political Psychology)
Just How Stupid Are We?: Facing the Truth About the American Voter
BS political Humor -
BS political Humor 2 -
Barf Stew Does Politics
And, if you look in the sidebar, you can see that BS does the ParaNormal - here offering up the event horizon of Bruce Duensing - - Very Stewed.
Meanwhile..... 'Weed Man' Sues For The Right To Beg For Pot - - Smokable.
Damiana Leaf 1 LbSmokable Birth Control1 Lb Four Winds Herbal Smoking Blend
Smoke Plants of North America: A Journey of Discovery Illustrated EditionLegally Stoned: 14 Mind-Altering Substances You Can Obtain and Use Without Breaking the LawHow to Make Herbal Smoke Incense : A guide to making affordable JWH Herbal Smoke Incense
Ready for some Time Travel? This one is called Iced Tea 1926 and if you click for the large image - sexy and suggestive.

Lots of Perkies Here (with comments)
Which brings forth the BS daily sexy picture - hubba hubba. If you want more pics like this see the sidebar.
Barf Stew Entertains
Is this part of the collapse of the Muni's we've been warned about? Not much in the MSM on this - Ala. County Readies for Possible Record Bankruptcy -
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang
Thanks for Barfing Today - See The Sidebar For NEW Products Just Added

Sunforce 50048 60-Watt Solar Charging Kit
Is 2011 The Year You Go Solar?