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Friday, July 15, 2011

Annual Chupacabra (Read Coyote With Mange) Sighted In Texas On July 4th - TV Report

I know it brings distress to some when I routinely diss Bigfoot reports and `proof', and, perhaps those folks will feel the same about today's BS headline too. But, come on folks, how many `Chupacabra's' need to be caught and proven to be coyote's with mange before this annual `mystery' is given up:

BS Entertains - The Time Traveler Series - `Jamming' in 1919
(click to enlarge)
Here's a YT Video that is a glancing blow at those of us who believe that `rods' - or atmosphere creatures - may exist; could it all be BARF?
Skyfish: Flying Rods (UFO?)

The Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology: Werewolves, Dragons, Skyfish, Lizard Men, and Other Fascinating Creatures Real and Mysterious
The Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology: Werewolves, Dragons, Skyfish, Lizard Men, and Other Fascinating Creatures Real and MysteriousFootsteps in the Attic: More First-Hand Accounts of the Paranormal in New EnglandSkyfish
BS Entertainment continues with your daily Sexy Picture - - Self-Shot.
Now, if you are here for the UFO links - how about FOUR UFO videos from Arkansas - - Stewable, and some TV reports.
Thanks for `Barfing' Today
BS, The WILD Website
Wild: An Elemental JourneyWildThe Wild
WildThe WildWild

1 comment:

  1. I'm convinced there are things we don't undertand and I think there might exist Chupacabra. I'd like share something I came across yesterday on a forum in It a question.

    It's a film that comes from Austria and emerged on some weeks ago.
    It shows something flying by in the background of an old VHS home movie.

    In connection to this film was a videoreply showing a strange flying creature:

    One of the comments suggested it was an Alp.

    And since I'm interested and convinced there's more to this world than we're aware of I was intrigued by this Alp. I never heard of if before. I wonder if anyone have heard of it?

    And here's the film that came from


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