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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Penis Thrown In Garbage Disposal As Man Awakes From Stupor

The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse (As we approach the Aug. 2nd cliffedge.)
The gruesome details of this perversion at the link - with BARF video and picture of perp.
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IF you are here for the UFO stuff, you are in luck - a great UFO video is at UDCC's link - - Stewable.
Wicked Sci-Fi Pulp - From 1954 The Real Stuff (Hardcore Sci-Fi Pulp (1954))
My newsblog - - stewable.
And, on When The SHTF yesterday - UFO and Cosmic endings, special report - Florida Witnesses Report UFO Size of Football Field - Stewable.
Bug Out: The Complete Plan for Escaping a Catastrophic Disaster Before It's Too Late
Another UFO/ORB caller/videographer - - Stewable.
I know that some of you are here for the BS Gallery Daily Picture, right? Enjoy - waterpark bikini's. BS Entertains.
Census data suggests that two zipcodes in America have 100% UNemployment - see that Barf Stewable info here -
1960s US Postal Service Groovy Zip Codes Promo Film DVD: United States Post Office Collectible Zipcodes History Video w/ USPS Zip Code + 4 Footage
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