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Friday, August 19, 2011

`Oral Sex' Dictionary Definition Has School System Ban Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary

Do you think that calling it a Lewinski as part of the definition had anything to do with it? (Just kidding, this is BS people.) - Fun barfy (stomach turning) Lewinski's Legacy read on what is acceptable in America.
Which leads into today's Sexy Picture - Sexy Russian Candid BS Entertains.
As I assume Barfsters with the least amount of common sense know is that the MSM HATES the Tea Party and anyone associated with it. Like Michelle Bachmann. Who recently had the gall to point out that gas was under 2 bucks a gallon when President Obama took office. The BS MSM reaction is truly priceless and sub headlined with these words - Why Low Gas May Mean Economic Hardship - The Horrors Of 2 Dollar A Gallon Gas (it's as if the MSM doesn't know that they always bring the price of gas down before elections, regardless of the economic situation).
Barf or Stew - Conspiracy On The One Dollar Bill BS Entertains.
On a related front - That All Seeing EYE On Money blog post. Stewable.
The 2011 Stillwater Minneasota BIGFOOT story and video - Story and Video - Pretty Hokey Looking IMO. Barfsters Decide.
MY newsblog with links you seldom find on the internet - NewsBlog (already updated today)
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