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Thursday, August 18, 2011

UFO Image Found On Google Earth

And, not just some crappola photo - a classic 1950's Saucer UFO:

Of course, the info is treated totally as if it was a joke or hoax that Dylan has proved in some sort of manner. BS.
Hacking Google Maps and Google Earth (ExtremeTech)
Hacking Google Maps and Google Earth (ExtremeTech)Google Earth For DummiesIntroduction to 3D Data: Modeling with ArcGIS 3D Analyst and Google Earth
The other day here at BS we covered those strange sounds in Kiev - but, did you know that they have been happening everywhere in 2011 - Strange Sky Noise Phenomena
Strange sounds from the sky
You won't have to wait for today's beauty - BS Gallery - BS Entertains. Oh, heck, would one more hurt? How about a sexy Russian Upskirt?
Meanwhile,..... One Hundred Pound Rodent Seen In California - find out the REAL details at the link. BS.
And, here's a science oddity - creatures breeding without mates - - in London, find out what creatures. BS.
And, we know that Barfsters love the Time Travel pictures of Shorpy - so, how about A 1910 Street View Stewable.
Amazing - Dog Learns OVER 1000 Words Meanings and how's this for a teaser:
Four experiments investigated the ability of a border collie (Chaser) to acquire receptive language skills.

Experiment 1 demonstrated that Chaser learned and retained, over a 3-year period of intensive training,
the proper-noun names of 1022 objects. Experiment 2 presented random pair-wise combinations of three
commands and three names, and demonstrated that she understood the separate meanings of propernoun
names and commands. Chaser understood that names refer to objects, independent of the behavior
directed toward those objects. Experiment 3 demonstrated Chaser’s ability to learn three common nouns
– words that represent categories. Chaser demonstrated one-to-many (common noun) and many-to-one

(multiple-name) name–object mappings. Experiment 4 demonstrated Chaser’s ability to learn words
by inferential reasoning by exclusion – inferring the name of an object based on its novelty among
familiar objects that already had names. Together, these studies indicate that Chaser acquired referential
understanding of nouns, an ability normally attributed to children, which included: (a) awareness that
words may refer to objects, (b) awareness of verbal cues that map words upon the object referent, and (c)
awareness that names may refer to unique objects or categories of objects, independent of the behaviors
directed toward those objects.
Very Stewable. And something to BARF about.

Smart Dog

E-Dog, A Classic

Thanks for Barfing Today
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