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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Prior To 500 Point Market Crash - Banks Called `Zombies'

Yeah, it seems The Obama Recovery that the MSM and the President have been preaching for over 2 and a half years, just may have been a tad `oversold' (to use a market phrase). (Today, is pointing to an UP bounce, as usual, and it will be smaller than the crash down day of course.) Now, phrases like `10 years or more' are tossed about for the time frame for some semblance of normalcy in the economy. And, still, no bankers are in jail for The Great Recession fraud - Oh, the zombie term was used by M.Whitney - who, while dead-on at nailing financial opinions - then turned around and blamed it on the Tea Party White Males - saying they are unemployed White males --- bit of Barf Stew I'd say.
Boiling Mad: Inside Tea Party America
BS Humor - (yes, 4chan)
Ready for a lame answer as to why no one has claimed the Million Dollar Challenge to prove the paranormal? - BS.
Flim-Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other DelusionsAmazing . . . but False!: Hundreds of "Facts" You Thought Were True, but Aren'tThe Magic World of the Amazing Randi
Houdini, His Life and ArtFATE Magazine, November 1992; The Amazing Randi Scams the Psychics (Volume 45, No. 11)Miracle Mongers and Their Methods: A Complete Expose (Skeptic's Bookshelf)
Politics, check. ParaNormal check. Must be time for the BS daily Sexy Picture? Check - - OMG, again, right? --- Each day has one sexy picture, bookmark and return. BS Entertains.
Hattip to Ghost Theory for finding the next one (very slow site for my computer): Ready to see a `UFO Crash'? Barf or Stew?

Need more UFO? - GREAT link yesterday at UDCC - 1.4 Million `Will' UFO/Orb Into Reality - Stewable.
A bit more on that top Party School ranking won by Ohio U this year -
For TODAY's news that somehow your hometown paper missed - try my newsblog of Top Reddit Links - - including some Johnny Carson humor that I will probably have on BS tomorrow.
Thanks for your visit to BS today - return again soon. OVER 500 posts await in the Archive available thru the sidebar.
Instapark® 180W Mono-crystalline Solar Panel, 180 watt
Instapark® 180W Mono-crystalline Solar Panel, 180 watt is 2011 the year? Homes with solar sell faster.

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