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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Annual Halloween Street Party Cited As Reason For Ohio U. Being Named Party School Of The Year!

And, as someone who attended Ohio U. AND - then, lived in Athens afterwards for YEARS - I can attest to the excellent atmosphere of the school and the excellent Halloween Party. Named in 12 of the last 14 years as one of the best parties in the country - Ohio U. well done. - - Oh, the attributes OTHER than the incredible Halloween Street Party that Ohio U. scored well on included:
Ohio University was named the top party school in the country in a study based on alcohol and drug use, the Greek system and hours spent studying
To stand on top while the world crumbles - Athens Ohio. Barf Stew Entertains.
Now, had the MSM dug just a little bit deeper, they might have been able to turn up the REAL reason of the so-called `drugs' - IE: recreation to others --- The Varmints who:
I don't know about California, but marijuana has been the main cash crop in Meigs County, Ohio (just west of Athens, County, home of Ohio University) since the early 1970s. It is cultivated by a counter-culture group of desperadoes called The Varmints. Between the pot growers and the cock fighting, it was an interesting place to live. -
Indeed, the Varmints are a legend in themselves in the Southeastern Ohio area back in the hills. I know here-say (once removed) stories of the very earliest days of the V's - priceless.
The badmen;: Songs, stories and pictures of the western outlaws from backhills to border, 1865-1900 (The Columbia Records legacy collection) - tell me THIS isn't a classic!
Now, you know at BS that it can't all be warm and fuzzy fun stores like the ones above - .... - seems priests are dying of AIDS at FOUR times the rate of the population as a whole. Slimy stuff the MSM would rather just not talk about - but, that you find featured at BS. Lurid details, of course, at the link.
Scarlet Ribbons: A Priest With AIDS - says it costs 1 cent, a penny, to put this book into your collection.

As Barfsters know, I've covered The Obama Recovery intensely for sometime now - the things the MSM isn't much interested in. Those nasty things like -will the world economy have a planned/manipulated splash crash, or - is the The Obama Recovery (and the continued subsidization of worthless college degrees) making whores out of college girls. But, I let the market crash on Monday without a peep yesterday - after all, I had already been prepping it for the BS readers. BUT, even with the HUGE money covering themselves today, the `bad news' continues with ominous headlines: LIKE -  U.S. Is 'Right Now in a Recession': Dohmen Capital Research - (seems that according to the `old' way of calculating numbers that the US is ALREADY in a recession). LIKE - US Closer to 'Junk Bond' Status Than Triple-A: Bove - LIKE - By 117,000 Jobs Created, We Actually Meant 76,000 Jobs Lost - and LIKE - Economic Uncertainty Leading to Global Unrest - ------- But, then yesterday the market had it's BOUNCE, and a huge one some say to Ben Bernake himself, ------ and the ONE person BS trusts to bring a near real assessment of the world economy writes the next piece - remember, this man controls a TRILLION dollar fund - El-Erian: Unprecedented Fed to the Rescue - ------ Some of the thickest Barf Stew in months - gobble and goggle it up.
BS political Humor -
One more political link - Our Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So with an opening line tease:
Let's make one thing crystal clear, no member of the US military contributes in any way whatsoever to protecting the freedoms of the American people. As a matter of fact, they are more likely to turn their weapons on you than they are to defend your Constitutional rights.

The only people on this planet Earth who can affect your freedom are members of Congress, local legislators and the members of enforcement institutions who will blindly follow the rulers who sign their paychecks. And, while your beloved troops are murdering people around the globe, yes, I said murdering, your Congress and local legislators are eliminating your freedoms, en masse, without any intervention by our so-called protectors in the armed forces.
And, you gotta love the name of the above website, right?
Down here looking for those pretty BS girls? The Daily BS sexy picture - OMG, right? As I said, almost each daily post has something this good picturewise - investigate the archive for more. BS Entertains, so bookmark.
And, with all the dire news above, let's return to the Party Stuff once again and continue the Sexy Girl stuff too: Again, happening in OHIO - the state with the #1 Party Town. (CurvySuds however is in Dayton. Looking for a franchise?)

Thanks for Barfing Today
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Barfing Will Continue ... Pet Feeding Mat
Pet Feeding Mat

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