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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Science: Marijuana Users Ain't 'Stupid Stoners'

Yet another under to un-reported MSM story about Pot. The best BS in this that is ignored by the MSM,  is the POSITIVE effect that pot has on beige drinkers in protecting brain white matter. - all that said, the `classifications' of the users groups is almost hilarious.
Pot Culture: The A-Z Guide to Stoner Language and LifeStonerThe Quotable Stoner: More Than 1,100 Baked, Lit-Up, and Zonked-Out Quotes in Tribute to (and as a Result of) Smoking Weed
Meanwhile....... What Teens Need To Know About Marijuana (From An Adult Who Uses Ten Grams A Day) by Russell Barth – July 9, 2011 - - how's that for a graber headline, huh? And, while I do NOT agree with everything this guy says, it sure beats the crappola that comes out of the mouth of our worthless politicians or worthless MSM. Stewable.
And, you HAVE heard of this JULY 25th story, right? The one about the BILLION dollar bet that the USA was about to be downgraded - The $1 Billion Armageddon Trade Placed Against the United States Bond Market - and, while I can't find the link right now - it is said this person will make 1000% on their money bet. Stewable.
Ready for a CREEPY BS UFO video?

You here for the sexy picture? Here you go - and we ALL know how sexy bridesmaids can be. BS Entertains. As most of you know, BS used to have a large BS Gallery near daily - that has migrated to if you wish to catch up.
Meanwhile.... Costa Mesa City Worker Gets Laid Off, Jumps Off Building's Roof - and, as you know, The Obama Recovery hasn't even played itself out at the state government level yet.
As London burns, there are other signs of pushback - Hackers strike at 70 US law enforcement websites - - - such a shaaaaammmmmmeeee. BS.
Thanks for Barfing today
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