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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Survey Says: Pot Smokers Are Less Obese

With sample sizes exceeding 50K in one of the `studies' - however, the funny BS is reading the various speculations by the writer for why the findings are significant. Somehow even bringing in the fact that highly religious people tend to not smoke pot and also tend to be fatties....... Marijuana Slims? Where did the munchies go? - Bakeable.
Stoners' Delight: Space Cakes, Pot Brownies, and Other Tasty Cannabis Creations
Stoners' Delight: Space Cakes, Pot Brownies, and Other Tasty Cannabis CreationsMy Lip Stuff- Brownie, PotMy Lip Stuff- Brownie, Pot
And, if you believe that pot makes stoners thinner - here's another one for you Ron Paul Can Win - Here's Why - BS. I hope that RP forms a 3rd party this time around.
Would perhaps the MSM repressing of the street America scenes playing out in some cities be one reason for the lack of anger at the banks and politicians? Is the MSM worthless to the common citizens?

BS does Politics.
Meanwhile..... the current Drug Czar (makes one think of those good old Soviet prison days, so, say Czar with a Soviet accent) says that Medical Marijuana is the cause for more kids smoking these days Read that Barf Here - they will say and do anything to preserve the Prison Industry.
Looking for the daily BS sexy pic? Very Sexy Russian Girl - love that mini. Candid pic. BS Entertains.
And, if you were waiting for the other economic shoe to drop - Dow Down 8000 to 3000 in 2013 - says the crash should begin in early 2012 - so, you don't have to wait too long. Isn't that nice.
The Great Crash Ahead: Strategies for a World Turned Upside Down
The Great Crash Ahead: Strategies for a World Turned Upside Downand for more info on when the SHTF - here's an article from Rolling Stone of the GOP leading us into a Civil War - Civil War Soon?
And, here's MORE Sky Noise Phenomena - and this happened just YESTERDAY in WV - WTF? (spread the word, the MSM isn't) Stewable.
As tragic as 911 was - you'd think in a free society looking back at the date, that the coverage would get at least a sliver of This Info that the MSM doesn't seem to want to tackle about the 911 event and investigation by congress. BS.
Thanks For Barfing Again Today
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