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Monday, September 12, 2011

Survey Says: Sexist Women - Sexist Men - Excellent Fit

This one has all the buzz words for luridness Barfsters (to start off your week on the BS foot) - `casual sex' `assertive strategies' - before concluding with this:
"Women who adopt sexist attitudes are more likely to prefer men who adopt similar attitudes. Not only do sexist men and women prefer partners who are like them, they prefer courtship strategies where men are the aggressors and women are the gatekeepers," the authors concluded
Could these studies of 363 and 850 people be the `formula' sought by college males and single males since the dawn of time? Much more luridness at this Sex Survey Findings - stewable. Edible. Bookmarkable.
How To Get The Girl | IGNORE and SCORE: Dating Mindsets Explained - How To Attract And Date Beautiful Women (Volume 1)The Boys and Girls Guide to Getting Down

Say What?


Speaking of lurid things - how about this picture from the 1950's?
Feel My Melons? (with comments)
================================= Testicular Cancer Awareness Wristband - Black band w/ White Lettering
Need more Melons? Today's BS Sexy Picture - Sexy Braces - BS Entertains.
Somewhere between the innocence of the above and the teasingness of the 1950's photo - comes this video - stick with it as it becomes AMAZINGly weird at 2:27:

Meanwhile..... 13% PRETEND To Use CellPhones To Avoid Others -- Stewable.
This one could be called Making A Bad Situation Worse - but is definitely on the Barf side.
Finally updated TAL (my science-tinged blog) with a link up the BS alley Human had SEX with unknown human ancester before leaving Africa - crossbreeding is now part of the DNA history if you are just catching up. Article is a good read. Stewable hot stuff.
The First Human: The Race to Discover Our Earliest AncestorsThe First Idea: How Symbols, Language, and Intelligence Evolved from Our Primate Ancestors to Modern HumansPrimates and Human Ancestors: The Pliocene Epoch (Prehistoric Earth) Great Gifts
Yeah, there is still the BS UFO link of the day - Even MORE of the Strange Sky Noise Phenomena - MSM continues to duck head into the sand. Stewable.
Yes, someone had the audacity to challenge the effects of 911 on TV yesterday - even Questioning the TSA airport screenings god forbid and more.
Thanks For Barfing Today
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It's not too early to pick up those cool gifts for under the tree.

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