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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Conservative "Liberate Wall Street" group plans to "Infiltrate and Humiliate" Occupy Wall Street

Today's headline comes from a subreddit dedicated to the Occupy Wall Street folks - is it true - I haven't the slightest idea. Is it worth your read - Yepper! . Several hundred comments, and it links in directly to the front lines of the movement that is developing - and, is Today's B.S.'s lead story.
B.S. does Politics no one in the MSM is gonna cover.
Meanwhile..... More evidence of the robust Obama Recovery as Topeka Kansas Facing Cuts, a City Repeals Its Domestic Violence Law - Thank You, Can I Have Another Sir? - perhaps whatever resources Topeka directs at marijuana prosecutions should be re-directed - or other senseless prosecutions.
Oh, in more Obama Recovery news - Harrisburg PA became the latest city to be nearly bankrupt. At least the city council wants it that way.
In other OWS news - Occupy Dallas faces the first `police' presence: - To be expected - but, interesting example of OWS news flow.  And, one can start the office or dorm pools right now picking the date of the first official `casualty' of the Occupy movement:

Will Crosby Stills Nash And Young do another call to action at that moment?
Today's B.S. says after that political BS above on this page that you deserve Today's Sexy Picture - 49th or 50th State? - More sexy stuff in the sidebar if you dig deeply enough.
A Barfster Book.
My other blog that has girly pictures too - MRH - and other worthwhile reads. Nearly daily.
Finally, one of the FEW blogs to dare to link directly with the mix of material you find here on TBS is dbdonlon's site. A great site that is somewhat positioned between all of my blogs - great thoughtful subjects and opinions - and here he discusses How `Intelligence' May Not Even Be Material. Great read.
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