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Friday, October 14, 2011

Will Occupy Wall Street Use Flash Mobs To `Run On The Banks'?

Oh, the rhetoric is JUST beginning to turn upward as the OWS (occupy wall street) crowd is just beginning to see the heat from TPTB (the powers that be) - which ABSURDLY issued a clear-out order for 7AM today and by 8:30 CNBC was reporting police confrontations nearer Wall Street itself. And, as you saw yesterday at Today's B.S. - the Liberate WS movement is seeking to discredit the OWS movement.

All that said, Today's B.S.'s lead story is how one firm is detecting `run on the bank' to be a bubbling notion within society - with indications of even FAKE runs on the bank on YouTube already. That said, - flash mobs could EASILY be formed outside of banks by the OWS crowd - which could indeed be real folks of the OWS crowd starting the ball or balance running so to speak. -- Gotta read this article for MORE ways that the OWS crowd can strike back at TPTB - OWS - Darker Sides --- can the USA's Tienanmen Square be far away if Flash Mobs at banks are used? Here's another look at why you don't want to be last in line at the big bank you use Are 60K already on board?
As the lines are being drawn - Ben And Jerry's provided snacks for hundreds of OWS protesters. What brand will you buy next time? In more OWS news - This Is How The Story Is Growing From NOTHING.
TBS was wondering - Is this anyway to attract a male based audience?

TBS - sexy sports humor, at times.
And, Today's B.S. - sexy or sleazy picture - Probably Most Would Say Sleazy - you can always not look at this Russian Fountain capture. - The sidebar yields more sexy stuff.

Barfster specials from Amazon.
Waiting for some paraNormal to read? Here's a Squidoo lens where a guy relates HIS Ouija Board story and why he advices NOT to use them. ouija-board-story - guy has a lot of cool stuff on Squidoo. Here's a tease of the story, make sure to hit the link for how this gets mighty scary:
I was 13 years old when I had my experience with the ouija board. Me and a few friends decided to give it a try and see what happened. I used the board with a couple of friends one who like me was named Paul.

We placed our hands lightly on the slider and I became the caller asking the questions out loud for the spiritual world to hear. I called out "Can you hear us?" and there was no response so I called again "Can you hear us?" nothing again.
I decided to try with a different friend named Rob and repeated the same "Can you hear us?" to both our amazement it moved this time. it circled the entire board making a figure 8 over and over about 3-4 times before stopping. I called out what is your age. the board again moved to the Zero. I found this odd but it led me to believe that this spirit was never born as human.
We asked it several questions that it gave us the
 Talking Ouija Board?
More Barf Tomorrow - turn a buddy onto BS -

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