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Monday, October 17, 2011

(Did) Obama's SSN Fails E-Verify System?

The headline above reflects an AD in the Washington Times on  - 26 Sep 2011 Wash Times National Wkly edition - pg 5 - but has been something floating in the toilet bowl  for sometime. Yes, in our Free Press, you will see NO digging into such stuff - after all, the MSM needs those advertising bucks of the politicians. But, ask yourself Why Does President Obama Have A Connecticut Social Security Number? - Today's B.S. lead story.
Almost makes one wish for simpler times, like in 1907, when no one had doubts about the legitimacy of their President:
what is with all the lady rowers?
click above picture to enlarge (with comments)
Politics, check. Time Travel Picture, check. Must be time for some sexy sleazy stuff - Slut Attire In Public Russia - nasty thoughts just one click away.
Every once in a while, you should hit the `next blog' feature at the top of Blogger blogs - you might find a winner like I did right here Ghost Pictures - lots and lots of content.
Politics, Sexy, ParaNormal
The New Today's B.S.
And finally today - another of the strange search terms this blog gets traffic from is `Human Pyramid' - so, lets not wait any longer to link to such a picture:

Sex, Murder, and the Meaning of Life: A Psychologist Investigates How Evolution, Cognition, and Complexity are Revolutionizing our View of Human Nature

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