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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Survey Says: 77% Are Aware Of Occupy Wall Street And The Movement Gets More Support Than Opposition

Here's some VERY early data on the OWS movement by YouGov. Many highlights including:
By 39% to 25%, those Americans say they support the goals of the Occupy Wall Street movement. 
(Compared with TeaParty) Both groups appeal more to older Americans than younger ones
Nearly nine in ten Tea Partiers believe Americans are becoming too dependent on government, while OWS identifiers do not.
just 12% of those who identify with either identify with the other as well.
Additionally, nearly 90% of BOTH group think the government is TOO controlled by special interests and in their dissatisfaction with Congress. There was also this interesting finding:
There is a complicated relationship when it comes to the political parties, with Occupy Wall Street identifiers more likely to dislike both political parties. Nearly all Tea Partiers have a negative opinion of the Democratic Party and nearly all Occupy Wall Street identifiers are dissatisfied or angry with the Republicans. But while just 38% of Tea Partiers are negative about the Republican Party, a majority of OWS identifiers are dissatisfied or angry with the Democrats. 
Then the article sums up with this statement about ALL Americans - And Americans are divided 43% to 38% on whether the banking system can even survive another economic crisis - there are more insights in this great early poll on the movement right Here; another GREAT Today's B.S. lead story.
Oh, the OWS movement has inspired me to re-start my REAL political blog called REAL HEAVY POLITICS - and you can get that first dose of hard politics Right Here - I include the video taken yesterday in NYC of the police locking OWS people INSIDE of a bank (seemingly as they were trying to remove their money?). Yeah, things could get REAL HEAVY, real fast.

For 2.50 you can buy the above bumper sticker.

Just 99 cents for a 13x19 poster to show your support! And, let me tell you something - these will be worth a goldmine on E-Bay someday I bet.
And, here's one mans experience very recently when he and his wife walked into one of the big banks and closed their account - remember, the run on the banks will begin to accelerate most likely in the next few weeks before the elections - (The Bank Manager) Looked Like She Was About To Cry - don't be the last in line. You don't need to agree with the OWS to do this, the government refused to punish the fraudulent bankers and it appears that the people may be the ones handing out the punishment. ----------- And yes, the first swarming of the OWS also happened in Times Square yesterday - Read that here, with Pictures.
I won't even mention what happened in Rome as a sign of solidarity for the OWS folks.
BTW, I expect now that RHP is returning, that more OWS news will be there and only the BSiest of the OWS will be on Today's B.S. - that said, plenty of other politics sleaze will maintain the same mix prior to OWS's recent focus. Just sayin.
TBS hasn't forgotten all of you who are here for some sexy hottie letting you look right up her short skirt - right?

Finally, TBS is known to google for this picture - HoseTeen Alonya - Super HOT Blonde - what a way to end your weekend online.
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