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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How To Stretch Out A Home Foreclosure For YEARS And YEARS

Written by a lawyer losing her home and appearing on AOL's money and finance site - what could be more legit? After all, CNBC early on (but silent since) said that PART of the small `recovery' was based on people NOT PAYING ON THEIR MORTGAGE and using the money for other things. TBS (Today's B.S.) had the link that indicated that in many states foreclosure backlogs may exist for a decade (up to six decades in NY already). How's living `rent' free for a decade (or two) sound to those of you underwater and still paying on that overpriced mortgage given to you by the fraudulent bankers - none of which have gone to jail for the fraud committed against the system itself? Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, right?. Anyway, for those of you considering living `free' in the home you occupy This link is for you - take a vacation with that mortgage money you used to send to the bank - justice in America, it's all over the place. And, easily Today's B.S. lead story.
We all know that the cops have a tough job being the parent for the stupid laws made by our politicians. That said, This Image is pretty disgusting if real.
And, from disgusting to ...... well a bit of perversion. Want to see an image of a sexy woman in public dressed in a see-thru cutout pink body suit with thong panties and cameltoe? Thought So - TBS, entertains.
Politics, check. Sexy pic, check. Ready for Today's B.S. `paraNormal' link? Beyond Known --- longtime investigator of the anomalous. Interesting reads.

I finally updated The Heavy Stuff. It's a preview of a chapter I wrote for an upcoming book about Manifestations and Materialization's. The post is called The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real - dig it. Then send it to a buddy.
The frivolous and the esoteric - both part of the BS mix.
Finally. Man lives off roadkill for three decades - Likes Rat Stir-fry and says Fox is extra tasty -- which reminds me of the breaking news in Ohio, 48 large animals including Wolves, Lions, Tigers and Bears has escaped from an animal farm in Ohio. Really.
See You Tomorrow.

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