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Friday, October 21, 2011

Huge UFO Found In Home Video(?)

I almost put this sequence on my UFO blog UDCC but thought that perhaps Today's B.S. might be a better location. What we have is the proverbial `I didn't see it at the time' video that shows a `UFO'. TBS assures you that most of the comments about the video are screaming BS and the `channel' that is distributing it - to me - doesn't seem credible. HOWEVER - there is one very particular thing about this UFO that, once again, caught my attention - the `shape':

Yeah, it looks like a hubcap on it's side --- but --- take a look at the picture below. It was taken by a person of a `jetliner' just hanging in the sky - and what came out of the film was the below:
Looks pretty darn similar to me.
Now, here's doing Blogging right - Professor Hex is hitting the road into America looking for the Fortean -- CC is a cool writer, enjoy his trip.
TBS's sexy picture - College Girls doing what comes naturally Acting Hot For The Camera. -- Foursome today.
Meanwhile..... In One Chart, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the European Fiscal Crisis - Here's a Flowchart that shows you the three possible outcomes of the Euro Greek and Banking Crisis - And, they all have the same outcome!
TBS - does economic/politics.
LOTS more tomorrow.
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