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Thursday, October 6, 2011

SURVEY Says - Nearly Half Of Public Say Iraq And Afghanistan Wars A Waste

And, the vets feel largely the same way (slightly less so) - find out more about veterans feelings including their feelings about President Obama. Results of the separate surveys totally nearly 2,000 respondents each indicate Found "isolationist inclinations" among post-9/11 war veterans - and is Today's B.S. lead story.
What level of disservice to the community does a TV station do by making ALL `military' stories assume full support for the actions the troops are sent to do? IF 20 or 40 percent of a population don't see a war viewpoint - why do they not get 20-40 percent of the stories associated with the war effort? But, that would mean a free society and a free press --- sorry, I forgot again. (After all TV stations have `happy' images to uphold.)
Rantology - It may be only beginning!

B.S. LOVES street protesters against the current political system - with two worthless parties that no one believes in at all. However, mark B.S.'s words, this may all lead to our own Tienanmen Square. You read it here first.
Today's IN-Depth Read - Social Science Discovers Experience-Loving, Hard-Thinking Libertarians -
 Politics, check. Sleaze? -- Let's take care of that right now - today's most recent search term to come to B.S. - candid tease - so, how about a little bit of that - Thong On Display - hmm.
Today's B.S. Entertains.
Dig into the sidebar for more content today.
T-BS thanks the purchaser of the Glee episode a day or so ago from one of my blogs. Cool.

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