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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

'Depression' Makes Return to Mainstream Lexicon

Of course, only fools thought differently. The common man knew the Great Recession had not ended at all. And, not everyone thought the idea of pumping trillions of fake money into the system was a good idea - but, that is all water under the bridge. The new Lexicon is how bad will this Depression be - and gets this tease from the story you should check out for more details:
Only the shade of gloom, it seems, is in question. It's got so that, depending on your view of big or small government, you can pick your version of the pending depression.

Harvard professor and economic historian Niall Ferguson, a fan of the British government's austerity drive and septic of further stimulus, reckons the world is facing a "slight depression" and favors comparison with the late 19th century rather than 1930s. ......
Quite what a "slight depression" would look like, however, is not all that clear—most likely years of low to zero economic growth and deflation across several countries, structurally higher unemployment, periodic bursts of banking shocks and crises and possibly rumblings of social unrest.
More details by clicking Great Recession or Depression? and is Today's B.S. lead story.
Digging Deeper:
Briton's Cut Back On GROCERIES! - remember, early on, Americans cut back on Toilet Paper!
Ominous Sign - South Korea Selling US Dollar
Political Humor - Today's B.S. - Find out why this woman doesn't need SEX - you may forward this I bet.
More humor - We Are Not Telling You How To Run Your Life - some cool image marketing.
And, how can you NOT love a political system based partly on these words:
During his previous stint as Majority Leader, Representative John Boehner’s (R-OH) outlined his three main goals for his first year in leadership which may best be summed up in his own words:

One is to keep the majority in the House. The second goal is to stay close to my colleagues, and the third goal is to be the same old jackass I’ve always been.
Find the above - right here.
Today's B.S. will occasionally bring you Great Link Finds - this was brought to my attention by a buddy - literally - The Front Pages Of 877 Newspapers In 86 Countries. Thanks Joel.
Still waitin for SLEAZE? Wait no more. Seems the foreign versions of DWTS go a bit further. Let's see how long it takes YT to catch this one.

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