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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Time Machine Sunday

Today's B.S.'s bin has been full of some `time travel' `ideas/articles' for some `time' now. IE:Lots of spaces in between....... Anyway, let's all spiral away today with some genuine Sunday reading - for a change. (Part of that eluded to B.S. evolution?)

First up - a Wired Science article called In Search of Time - including interesting snippets like this:
And there’s nothing in the mathematical laws of physics that says time can only go forward. In theory, at least, the hands of your clock can tick in both directions....
It turns out that our sense of time is deeply entangled with memory, and that when we remember more – when we are sensitive to every madeleine and sip of limeflower tea – we can stretch time out, like a blanket. This suggests that the simplest way to extend our life, squeezing more experience out of this mortal coil, is to be more attentive, more sensitive to the everyday details of the world.
and, that is just the tip of the iceberg of the article - read that Here. Today's B.S.'s Lead Story. (Barfsters will definitely enjoy the part about the bungee jump experiment to see if when `time slows down' if participants could read a fast paced visual screen.)
A good portion of my 2011 perspective on the whole reality structure revolves around the book below - as it seems - REALITY IS ONLY SPACES. -
 - best matching, with the least intrinsic difference
Then, up next, in one of his tour-de-force articles, Bruceleeowe brings home the `time travel sauce' rich is imagery and more. Read the full article that asks - If The Future Has Time-Travel Machines, Where Are They? - evidently more commonly known as the.Chronology Protection Conjecture - here's a long tease of this worthwhile article:
There is quantum like thingy known as Cauchy horizon problem which prevent the formation of closed time like curve but that could be easily overrun by Casimir effect(exception of Cauchy horizon problem). One side of the horizon contains closed space-like geodesics and the other side contains closed time-like geodesics. When waves traveling in Misner space pass through the identification world line. As this happens infinitely many times while approaching the horizon, the stress-energy tensor diverges at the horizon. Presumably, this prevents space time from developing closed time-like curve ts that would otherwise be feasible. Thus, CPC is protected.
Trippy enough for ya?

So, let's take one of those electronic devices to capture time once again - Today's Sexy Shorpy - a 1965 Traveling Fair Sideshow - The Kind You Don't Take Home To Mama.

keep your hands out of pockets
1960's Innocence

 - here's a book you don't want to miss.
And.... finally for Today's B.S. --- One-legged man auctioning off his severed finger to save haunted train museum -
But, for the full story - go Right Here - very cool website too.
The Content in the Sidebar Will Blow You Away - Sample Some Today - Before You Leave - Until - You Return Tomorrow.

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