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Monday, October 3, 2011

Might Euro Breakup Preceed `World' Breakup?

Is it beginning to seem that the `interconnectiveness' of the world - once heralded as the saviour of the economic system via free trade and `instant' currency trading - might turn out to be it's F'ing downfall? Is that what happens in any world structure built upon worthless currencies and worthless politicians? In B.S.'s opinion, most likely yes; - but, the real question is how and when will the proverbial `crap' hit the F'ing fan?

Already the trial balloons are being floated for HUGE forgiveness of debts as being the ONLY way for the USA or the world economy to grow and recover. `Forgiveness' that IF undertaken (very unlikely with the same world currency values) would wipe-out the banks most likely as a source for holding or transacting money at least for a bit of time. And, that BIT of TIME is the total FEAR POINT that seems to be immanently `out there', and perhaps being sensed by some if not many.

Indeed, what would happen IF the market system broke down and the money you were paid with for your work was worthless - and you knew it? (Just before the introduction of a `new world map' and currency system.) IF it took `the system' four weeks to get up and running -, which in B.S.'s opinion is on the optimistic side -  would that be quick enough to avoid human disaster?

What if the `take over Wall street' `demonstrations' - after 700 were arrested in one day, Saturday, and now the movement is `spreading' - were given the media coverage they perhaps deserved? (OBVIOUSLY, THIS IS BEING DOWNPLAYED HUGELY UP TO NOW) Is a mobilized `left' (the MSM won't know what to call it politically as it obviously isn't the tea party) taking to the streets to protest BIG BUSINESS and Wall Street something the MSM even knows how to cover? Especially when the actual people in the streets are protesting EVERYTHING? Especially the politicians in power!

Have these `circumstances' of The Obama Recovery, that the MSM has pushed on the public since July 2009 when the `wall street' and Cadillac recovery began,  (the little people were told via the MSM) begun to sink in to the masses? Circumstances such as:
1.Policies that have continued to lower home values due to the fraud perpetuated by the major banks and financial institutions with the politicians approval for years prior to the crash.
2.That NO bankers or politicians went to jail for the fraud.
3. That the system, IE - everyone, as opposed to those who caused the collapse - was held hostage during the 2008 election process for TRILLIONS ...... THAT HAVE VANISHED.
4. Meanwhile, some common folk go to jail over credit card debt. (see point two)
5. Gas prices, compared to history, remain high - infuse our so-called `enemies' with our cash - after being promised by politicians of energy independence for FOUR DECADES. Gets a bit old doesn't it?
6.Meanwhile, in some states, it will take the paperwork up to 60 years to clear on their foreclosed home -- while in other states - regardless of bank fraud - other folks are forced out of the homes in a few months. As justice crumbles and the media remains quite as a mouse.
7.While WARS remain off the balance sheet in a congress who has operated without an official budget for YEARS!
Yeah, I won't bother continuing - as every American knows the real gig - there just hasn't been a street protest movement to put it all together ------ until perhaps now. And, Today's B.S. is now issuing a general warning that how the next 100,000 arrests are covered by the MSM will determine 2012's political if not world political outcome.

It's possible that the 1960's are returning.

And, that very few folks are tuned into how FAST `things could become unbalanced' in this new age of interconnectedness we are controlled within. Certainly folks ACROSS the country are mad enough to make this movement spread.

What IF, after the protests grew and spread, that people indeed DID take their money out of the big banks - first out of anger - then from pure fear? How long do you think that would take? (A couple weeks, perhaps?) IS Bank Of America really a SAFE place for your money now that California and other states have broken off negotiations about FRAUD?

Get my drift?

IF any `runs' started on something like toilet paper, or sugar, or coffee - how long before you noticed? Do you really think the MSM would report it?

Will mounting street protests here in the USA be the catalyst to fear for some - and a `buy signal' for the Preppers?

How long would your family make it without toilet paper? Or money with no value? Or electricity.
Today's B.S.'s point is `things could happen VERY quickly' if the protests are being shown to be growing and spreading. After all, no nation is as passive to their w(horrific)hore government as Americans. We already have the so-called `right' Tea Partiers worrying the MSM and now the so-called `left' take back Wall Street symbol of protests - both of which are spilling into the very center of everyones real politics.
To understand why the Euro may break up for reasons beyond the Greeks political system imbalance at running a government - one only need to read this gem of a piece about how Slovack's, who retire on less than 250 Euro's a month, aren't inclined to approve sending money to Greece for them to retire on 1200 Euro's a month: a tease:
Anna, a 60-year-old retired chemical factory worker, wakes up every morning at 3 a.m., jumps on her bike and rides for a couple hours to get into Bratislava, where she works as a cleaner for a company in the Slovak capital's historic center.

She has a pension of 240 euros ($319) a month after having worked for 40 years at the chemical factory. She makes another 240 euros monthly in her job as a cleaner.
More Reasons The System Will Far Apart Here.
More than 700 Arrested Saturday in Wall Street Protest -
No rise in home prices till 2020 -
California Quits Foreclosure Talks With Big Banks

 275 meals, shows you have a plan IF the SHTF! Trade for TP or Money.

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