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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Whisky Stew

Today's post title are two words that have sent folks to TBS in the last two hours: turns out - There is such a thing - here's the recipe - whiskey stew, can TBS live up to such a title today?
Well, first, a bit of OWS. As you are probably subliminally aware of - immediately upon the first demand-suggestion by the OWS being to `boycott the big banks' ---- the MSM IMMEDIATELY and I mean immediately STOPPED cover the OWS on a daily basis or news story that was featured.

It's painfully obvious how the MSM is under some sort of vague control of TPTB (the powers that be) the only question is to what degree. Indeed, the ONLY mention I heard of the OWS movement on the morning tv `news' shows of the main networks - was the number arrested in Chicago and NYC over the weekend. ONLY the number arrested.

Yeah, it's laughable.

That said, I did see some actual reporting - on MSNBC - of Naomi Wolf (think I got that right) who personally was jousted around by the police and told about it on TV the next day.

So, anyway. Here's this offering to the movement:
How the MSM asked Herman Cain And Ron Paul about OWS.
Ready for TBS's sexy side? How about something In the Sexy Halloween Virtual Girl Mode? - Or, Two Sexy Girls About To Kiss? - TBS - Tell a buddy.
Politics, check. Sexy, check. What else is needed for the Whisky Stew? Underground type stuff perhaps? --- Profiling The Mail - What Not To Do To Cause Suspicion - hmm. Mountain Rum Running next week?
And, how about a dash of heavy stuff for the stew - from Bruce Duensing - called - Living Systems and The Structural Analysis of Free Will - Heavy Duensing thoughts and link -- that should thicken up the broth a bit.
Oh, btw, here's some UFO stuff - - it's all about that Thrive Movement stuff happening next month. What? You haven't heard?
Books You Might Find At A Thrive Convention?

Or, not?
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