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Monday, October 24, 2011

Worthless GOP Excludes Former Governor From Presidential Debates

Yepper. If you think the `coverage' of Ron Paul is sickening - wait till you hear what Gary Johnson thinks. WHO? -- Yeah,  that's the plan - keep the ponies on the farm by excluding anyone who might stir up the marijuana debate. You know, the republinuts who ALWAYS are for the rights of the common man!!!! Laughable beyond belief -- how do the talking heads on TV keep a straight face is beyond me. Anyway - here's his Rant.
A worthless politicial system supported by the worthless media that feeds off of the ad dollars of the politicians. Makes ya all warm and fuzzy inside, right?
TBS's sexy picture today is in Russia - again. In public, again. With a hot woman in a skirt that reveals too much when sitting down, again. Yes, another Russian Public Upskirt Panty Shot - with black brastrap as a bonus Blonde Hottie CloseUp.
Politics, check. Sexy, CHECK. --- Must be time for the esoteric, paranormal, saucy stuff? Sure - Dan Mitchell returns with his on again off again blog (which he then vanishes and returns) and is talking heavy as nearly always === Death's Mystique -- Dan Tells Us What Death May Be Like Here. Long deep post.
And, if you really think you like The Heavy Stuff  - go to the source .
TBS readers often report LOVING the Shorpy pictures (old time, time travel pictures) that TBS often features: such as this one from 1910 Atlantic City Panaroma - Amazing Details and a great slice of life from one century ago: (Will 2010 look as quaint in 2110?)

Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom (one of the top 500 books in America right now)
1910 Atlantic City = as Blogger messes up another placement:
(Click Picture Above To HUGELY Enlarge)


  1. As everyone knows - I am a liberal. Not a democrat, a LIBERAL. Anyhow, that said, Gary Johnson was an OK governor and far better than anyone else ruining for the Rep nomination.

  2. Hi Lesley - thanks for your comments.

    And, as readers here know, I have no faith in EITHER political party in any manner and haven't for decades. I think you are indicating the same.

    My politics fits almost no category and only Libertarian comes close. That said, the Libertarians piss me off too. I guess if push came to shove that I like the dems least (while finding their ideas of income distribution much better).

    One thing I do know, NO ONE is worth being paid over a billion dollars a year who works for a public company (and many hedgefund managers make that and more) - that is criminal and any public company that allowed such a structure of payment would be having their principals in jail IMO. And the board of directors.

    All that said, of all folks running for president, ONLY Ron Paul is worth listening to - shame the MSM is frightened of what he says.



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