Have you ever had anything absolutely impossible happen to you? How about the impossible happening also with another person/witness? How about seeking out the impossible and finding it? Yep.... an absolutely incredible 6 part series - I link to part five here. Seems John and Adam (find last names in link) beckoned the anomalous in a known remote location for possible "Bigfoots" and got something a bit different than what was expected - were their lives in danger?
And how could a simple flashlight - instantly extinguish - a "portal" - or... could it all be something else....such as sharing a separate reality in temporal form - much like the "shared hypnosis landscapes" of mutual hypnosis techniques done in the late 1960's by Charles Tart.
Enjoy the series and the fantastic writing.
Speaking of great writing - Regan Lee - also a writer at the blog The C Influence - wrote this experience of being hypnotized for the first time just a couple weeks ago in 2022 - she also gives her overview and insights of it (she was seeking info on a missing time experience - something I have also experienced) - Missing Time Hypnosis. Enjoy.
