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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Girls Jumping On Trampolines

As I was innocently checking this blogs stats via Google Analytics - there, in search terms associated with this blog, - was `girls jumping on trampolines'. Of course; how could I have forgotten this early BS positioning - BS is probably the internet authority on Girls Jumping On Trampoline videos. But, it had been a while and when I searched YouTube, almost exclusively the ones already on BS came up - ones from years ago.

So, I searched and added the 2011 tag - and lo and behold - a 2011 Girls Jumping on Trampolines with over 20,000 views. Girls in swimsuits and large breasts. (Well at least one has.) And, I thought, Barfsters deserve a break today from the horrendous politics in our country - a break from the Great Reccession - if only for a bit under 2 minutes:

Younger Girls On Trampolines - Pretty and Athletic Girls On Trampoline and set to music to boot.
Or, perhaps this professionally done Girls On Trampoline with nearly 80K views:

Ohio Juvenile Bigfoot Seen In Ohio Near Salt Fork state park.
Today's BS's sexy picture - Here, Take A Look - sexy downblouse.
Speaking of taking a look - how about a look into the past. A century ago, 1910 Mobile Alabama, It's a Mans World!
(click picture above to enlarge)
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