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Monday, November 21, 2011

Private Prison Charges Inmates $5 a Minute for Phone Calls While They Work for $1 a Day

Today's B.S. finds the vomit in society and projects it into the mainstream of thought. Certainly, the Sickness of the Prison Industry qualifies. What a worthless MSM!
WHY ARE SO MANY BLACK MEN IN PRISON? A Comprehensive Account Of How And Why The Prison Industry Has Become A Predatory Entity In The Lives Of African-American ... The Largest Prison System In The World.

TBS's paraNormal side often includes the writings of the elusive Dan Mitchell Here's his latest that ultimately touches on alien abduction and ONENESS. I especially find it strange that DM doesn't allow comments.
Murmuration is - evidently - the gathering of HUGE numbers of birds; literally to the point of forming ART in the sky: Careful, addicting video:

Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.
Great Gift Idea!

BS political Humor - The Republinuts And OWS.
TBS's daily sexy picture - String Thong? - about as hard R as it gets on Barf Stew. Pretty girl.
As police step up the violence against the OWS crowd - some ask - if it is All Meant To Send A Message - With Example Video Of Worthless Cops - and make SURE to read the comments too at the link - the word PIG is once again being used, as in the 60's and early 70's - to describe the police.
Politics, ParaNormal, and Pretty Girls - The Barf Stew Mix.
Barfsters, I also updated my newsblog today - the one with that also has `pretty girls' in nearly every post - See That Here.
Meanwhile...... MUZ reports - Claim: The Associated Press are Sitting on Huge story of 'Free Energy' Revolution - Are We Talking About WORLD Censorship?.
And, again, for Barf Stew's NON-English readers - please check out the Forex stuff at the top of this post. Thanks.
Making sure the college students read down the entire page - Another String Thong for your enjoyment.
Buy the thong below with one click:
 Amazon Product
Finally for today's BS - MUFON Report - including stories of TINY UFO's - high strangeness.
See You Tomorrow.

 click to buy. Please use the SHARE buttons to share Barf Stew with your Facebook friends. Thanks.

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