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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hospital Tells Man That His Abdominal Pain Is Due to a Hysterectomy

And, it will remain in his permanent medical record - With Picture Of Man. Today's BS.
Today's ParaNormal BS on Barf Stew - A Favorite - Spoon Bending. Some great stuff in the comments at the link too. BS has had some great Spoonbending Links in the past too - check out the tags for more.
Turning Inward:

UDCC has some very high quality UFO links today - Including An Orb Video Shot In AZ. Deep esoteric type of reads about the unknowns of UFOs and more.
Speaking of great reads - Dan Mitchell provides some real food for thought about the spaces after death that a being inhabits - Sunday's Ride Into The Country.
And, many reading these words would probably like to ride This Sexy Beauty - today's BS sexy picture.
See You tomorrow.

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