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Saturday, November 12, 2011

OMG - All Of EIGHT Employees `Disciplined' Over Madoff Fraud by SEC

Unfukingbelievable - NOT ONE FIRED let alone put in JAIL. Some Had Pay Reduced - Some Were Suspended For A MONTH . One simply cannot make up the absolute Bullshit that comes out of the government these days - example 2,764. The MSM, of course, will report this once, since we are so free, and then not mention it again. Justice in America? Oh, pleaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeee.
Makes ya all warm and fuzzy inside, right? Makes you want to vote for a democrap or a republinut the very next chance you get - right?
TBS's UFO stuff for today includes A Cattle Mutilations Video over at Strange UFO Videos and the bottom bottom line on the 11-11-11 Phenomena and The Thrive Movement at UDCC.

Ready for more HOT STUFF? White Panties And Bra On a HOT Blonde Girl - the TBS daily sexy picture. (Never X rated BTW - you can get that stuff elsewhere.) More sexy stuff via the sidebar.
Meanwhile..... somewhere in-between science and belief --- EEG shows awareness in some vegetative patients - About 20% perhaps - and folks are waiting for methods to ask those folks `yes' and `no' like questions. Glimmers of hope.
Making sure the college students hang in there for today's sexy double shot - a pretty girl Downblouse delivered with a smile.
BS Humor? Sure Hard Landing GIF.
Ready for some heavy weekend reading? Duensing brings that in an over the top essay about his loss of his son and an intellectual friend or two - in Season Of Death.
BTW, does this link look like a housing recovery to you? - how many times has the MSM repeated that things had bottomed or were improving in the last 3 years - a dozen? More? Talk about a worthless MSM.
Oh, here's a UFO book by an Aussie with a UFO blog - looks like UFOlogy told from an Australian perspective - Interesting.
 Speaking of keys to mysteries.

Is hypnosis this easy if you know how to do it? (Make sure to check out the sidebar for more on Hypnosis.)

Imagine The Possibilities.
See you tomorrow.

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