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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

HUGE Increase In Credit Union Account Openings Ignored By MSM

To the tune of 10 times the normal level of openings in 2010 for a comparable period of time (5 weeks). The RUN, actually finger click, on the banks is slowly materializing and rapidly accelerating - while the MSM tucks the story away and forgets it is happening as you read this post. Indeed, just today GM (or was it Ford) announced they are short about 10 billion in their pension fund. Oh well. The whole system is built on a huge fraud and it appears the shell is cracking a bit.

Anyway, with Italy hitting CRISIS levels today on their bond yeild - catch up here on why you don't want to be the The last person to get your money OUT of a big bank and into a credit union. The time is now folks.

Continuing the look at the dire news your local news IGNORES and the national news nearly skips - One think tank speculates that there is a 65% Chance of a Banking Crisis by November 26th - and to boot, one of the main criteria - that Italy's 10 year bond not exceed 7% - instead of happening on Late November - HAPPENED TODAY.
Oh, thanks to the person that bought some Hydroponic Stuff from my blogs yesterday (seen below) from Amazon.

Here Regan Lee gives a heartfelt summary of where she stands on the whole topic of Alien Abductions - a viewpoint that Closely Matches My Own Views. Worth your click.

 these are inexpensive Kindle Books.
F'ing NUTS - Amazing GIF you will Forward To Others as I bet you have NEVER seen anything like this.
ANOTHER OMG sexy picture from TBS today - The 99% SKIN Bathing Suit - the HUGE breasts helps the percentage.
 Under 45 bucks.
Politics/Economics, Sexy Pictures and ParaNormal - Today's B.S. Mix.
Just how `sexy' does YouTube allow? Here's one near the limit of TBS's standards (lol):

Have you shown support for independent blogs lately? Advertisers want to reach Barfsters - are you in?
See you tomorrow.

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