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Friday, November 11, 2011

Braco - Gazing At Millions (And Millions) - Enlightenment For Eight Bucks?

Braco is a man who lets people pay 8 dollars to see him GAZE at them, personally, for about 3-5 seconds; a buddy of mine saw him when he appeared in Cleveland Ohio in September 2011. He described it this way to me - and I paraphrase:
"First you get there ahead of time for your appointment as he does about 8-10 sessions a day. Only 100 people are allowed into a session and prior to the session, the crowd is prepped for Braco's coming appearance. The sick and the wheel-chair bound are in the first rows and EVERYONE, all 100 people are in a TIGHT area of about 8 seats across - perhaps even a 10 by 10 square of seats. -------------- Everyone has paid 8 dollars. ------------- Braco walks out, climbs up on some tables that puts him well above the crowd below. He never speaks at any session or takes any questions. He then establishes EYE CONTACT with EVERY person in the room ONCE - for a few fleeting moments.

The link is to a follow up article about the EFFECTS that people felt from Braco a couple months later. Find out what happened when my buddy went and how people Left One Session And Lined Up For The Next - Oh, he's coming to Washington D.C. soon - should find some willing barfsters there for sure. Here's a vid covering Braco:

As I said to my buddy - IMO - Braco is simulating the `Appearance before God' gazing down in judgement experience. Additionally, the process certainly brings an altered special consensus of agreement of the crowd itself.

Book Description

Publication Date: 2010

New version with Braco's words subtitled "I wish that you go on to carry in you what you get through my voice for a long, a very long time ... and that this flame goes from your spark to others. Perhaps next time, you will look at the face of a person beside you that was brought right here by your spark ..." -Braco Over 80 films have been made about Braco and his miraculous gift of healing and transformation, which has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people for the better. Yet of all these films, From Spark to Flame continues to be the favorite amongst people in countries around the world. Braco stopped speaking in public in 2002, when he began seeing up to 10,000 people a day, and helping them through his silent gaze alone. This is the first film made in which Braco can be heard delivering what is now simply known as 'The Voice'. Speaking in his native Croatian, his loving words carry that unlimited energy of miracles which has brought so many people home to themselves. DVD 45 min (English Version Copyright 2006-2010). Retail: $20

 The new science of healing?

I know that Barfsters like staring at the Pretty Girls that TBS brings to readers DAILY - right? - Like this Slightly Perverse Sexuality.
Oh, BTW, perhaps the OWS crowd should be concerned that President Obama STILL has a forged Birth Certificate regardless of whether the MSM cares or not. Again, the TBS view is that it all is a ruse for easy removal of Presidents in this day and age.
Total Barf.
ParaNormal, Sexy and Politics - The Barf Stew Mix.
Took the MSM 20 years to notice the destruction of the black society in the `war on drugs' or to realize that More Blacks Behind Bars Than Held As Slaves. The drug war agreed upon by the Democraps and Republinuts and supported by the MSM.
So, you have a guy that `calls UFO's' (he thinks are from other star systems) and interview him - THEN - give an analysis of the answers he provides - Read That Here - TBS is your UFO connection.
Ready for a BARF usage of extra wealth? A former google executive has taken his cash and is now lending it as a loan shark for Over 400% Interest - makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, right?
The barf bag is on the back of the seat in front of you.
See you tomorrow.

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