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Friday, November 4, 2011

Is This A Jesus Portrait?

Today's B.S.'s lead story is months old and I haven't heard a word about it since (or even at the time to be honest). The link, and picture, was forwarded to me months ago by a UK fan of Barf Stew (thanks John). Anyway, here's the picture:
(Click Pic To Enlarge)
debate over whether these booklets are genuine and, if so, whether they represent the first known artifacts of the early Christian church or the first stirrings of mystical Kabbalah will undoubtedly rage for years to come. The director of Jordan’s Department of Antiquities, Ziad al-Saad, has few doubts. He believes they may indeed have been made by followers of Jesus in the few decades immediately following his crucifixion.
Much more about the 70 BOOKLETS and details of their age and location can be found By Clicking This Article.

Ready for TBS's sexy picture? How about dozens of 'em? All non nude, all sexy? Some Very Hot Athlete Pics.
TBS Entertains. Oh, make sure to get to the VERY bottom of this page today - I've put a link on to a Forex Platform that will literally GIVE you money to boost your jump into the trading field. You owe it to yourself to check it out. You can get `started' for very little. This can be much better than going to a casino. Thanks. Again, the bottom of this page.
Oh, thanks for the person who bought THREE items off of my blogs yesterday - TWO of the items were OLD ELVIS remakes including CLAMBAKE.

Hard to beat an Elvis AND Jesus picture on TBS on the same day - ain't it? Let alone dozens of sexy pictures.
You here for UFO stuff? Yesterday at UDCC the look was at a specific man in Pine Hills, NY who ROUTINELY films amazing ORB displays He has a website too - here, see his amazing June 30th UFO video.
As more towns run out of money - Smithfield NC may be forced to have police ignore 911 calls - More About The Obama Recovery Here. Is this better than four years ago?
Here's another example of The Obama Recovery - States Already Running Short On Tax Revenue with NY looking to TAX Groupon for the money it saves others - sick.
TBS has changed the way our links work (mostly) - NOW, nearly all links will open in their OWN window. Enjoy the new easiness in using TBS links.
Looking for the TBS SLEAZE? Look no further - 33 Year Old Ex-Teacher Convicted Of Sex With 5 Boys, Some On Football Team -- A Tease:
Stacy Schuler was sentenced to a total of four years in prison for the encounters with the Mason High School students at her home in Springboro in southwest Ohio in 2010. She can ask a judge to free her from prison after six months.
Amazon Naughty Teacher Figurine
Under 15 Bucks.
99 cents, I kid you not.
Meanwhile...... Insanity Of Comic Book Pentagon Mentality - Today's B.S. radical side - Flying Humvee's - they do indeed look like comic book vehicles. See how your money is to be spent by the endless American `Defense' Machine.
BS - Does Politics.
Oh, did you know that we have entered a NEW era in KLOUT scores? Never heard of it before? Mine was 10 - What's Yours?.
Need More BS? The sidebar is like a treasure waiting to be found. Go ahead, waste another 10 minutes. And, remember to check out the Forex link at the bottom of this page too.

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