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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Why The Greys Will Not Disclose Their Identity (?)

In a COMPLETELY unsourced and anonymously written `article' in the Truth Seekers Forum, we receive the information about each of the FOUR types of Grey Aliens they are referring to. Mysteriously to Today's B.S., is the idea that the type C's, the ones with perhaps some human DNA in them, DON'T want to be like us (like the Type A's do) and indeed are not even Around Earth/Humans Very Much. (Somehow it's the Type B's, who don't speak, who have been SEEN working along with humans underground.) --------- Yeah, right.

Anyway, for a one minute, flip out read - please absorb the above article. (And, find out which Type `absorbs' their food.)
Barf Stew, Entertains.
Here's some B.S. for you, in all likelihood - Did Chemtrails Cause The NE October Snowstorm?. Now, TBS is fully aware of the Chemtrails and their possible uses - that said, one is NOT to produce a huge snowstorm UNDERNEATH them. That said, the above link has a video embedded that shows one of the `planes' turning the spray OFF (I love it when they do that too.). Also, this is a great website to get caught up in the info of the Chemtrail Issue.

Looking for TBS's daily sexy picture?  Ok. Here's a picture you will want for your wedding album Bride Upskirt, White Panties. BS Entertains.
Quick Mindblower - Best Statistics Question Ever. TBS not for lightweights.
4 Georgia Geezers plan to attack Government Shut Down by Feds. ----------------- The anger grows as the bankers continue to slide `justice' from robbing the economy. Again, NOT ONE banker to jail for the Fraud. OR politician.
Writer Dan Mitchell occasionally surfaces thru his blog and then literally removes all the posts only to begin again writing about similar subject matter. This post called Analyszing the Dubious - provides Dan's insights to the cosmic drama taking place for so many humans. Especially those expecting transendence in the near term future.
Next up - UFO's. Such as Billy Ray Cyrus's UFO picture:
Here's the short story about his sighting Twitter Story.
Did BRC ever get that UFO show he wanted to do?
Yeah, TBS is still `cleaning up' the Halloween stories - such as this sleazy story about ..... well, sleazy kid costumes - - a mother, out buying for her fourteen year old daughter: A Tease:
Most of the costumes had the same layout: Extremely short skirts (or in some cases you bypass the skirt and go for the super tight, super short shorts), extremely low cut tops, 6 “ heels, and fishnet stockings. Put a little makeup and do up your hair and you have what they call a Halloween costume. Most parents would never let their daughter wear anything that short, or that low cut on any regular day. So why is it suddenly acceptable to allow our kids to dress like this on Halloween?
Lurid enough?
And, along the same lines is this story about 12 HIGHLY Inappropriate costumes for kids - such as going as a Marketplace Bomber - other FUN ideas at the link.
Dirty money? You mean like the winning of a lottery ticket worth over 100 million bought From A Porn Shop?. Seek and ye shall find? Quick read.
Ready for some BS Humor? From 1983 - Stupid Pet Tricks - A College Roommate Of Mine:


Thanks for Barfing Again Today.

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