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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sunday Night Football UFO Explained? (Video)

Upfront, I didn't cover this one on my UFO blog or even here on Barf Stew - Today's B.S.. Reason - it reminded me of some timelapse video in Washington D.C. about a year or two ago that also claimed UFOs by the White House. However, at today's lead link - you can see the video and read more about the explanation - And, decided for yourself.
Oh...... ever wonder how mad folks can get at undercover cops? Watch The Undercover Cop Run At OWS - and here's a tease of comments Hundreds of Comments about the event:
To be fair, many cops are naive of their own function, and believe they are performing some sort of public service. The reality is of course that a "Police Officer" is an individual hired by the government, and whose purpose is to enforce government mandates with the use of coercive force. Their job description is to act as a thug.

People can try to justify it based on an incredibly complex system about democracy, representatives, checks and balances, consent of the governed, will of the people, and all this other propaganda bullshit..... but the police don't work for you. The police don't protect and serve you. The police protect and serve government.
Once you get that fact straight, you'll be able to understand why protestors are being beaten.
You can ask all the questions about who does government serve; which is of course politicians, their friends, the rich, lobbyists, and some people who like to remain hidden..... but even if these criminals WORKED FOR YOU, they're still criminals.
You want the blood of government on your hands, you are both delusional and staining your own conscience. Do not for a moment think I accept any responsibility for the actions of these criminals. I do what I must to preserve myself, but beyond that I have no illusions of legitimacy of government, it's enforcers, it's rituals, or what it likes to call "laws."
P.S. Use of the wold "you" is intended to be generic and not directed at anyone specific. I would be happy if no one fit this category of "you."
THAT is how Mad!
BUT, in America - we turn civil rights violations into BUSINESS that's good for America - Pepper Spraying Cops Inspire T-Shirt Design.

Finally updated TAL with another cool science read - this time about a billion euro Lazer that may be built by decades end that will have the possible ability to Poke A Hole In The Very Fabric Of Space.
The Hidden Experience Blog is featuring an experience of `dreams, aliens, tests' and pyschics. Don't miss this weekend read.
Finally for today - Regan Lee tells a story about how she Forgot To Remember the `alien' part of one of her favorite movies.
Thanks for being a Barfster Today.

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