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Friday, November 25, 2011

Where Have The Hare Krishna's Gone?

Haven't seen them at your local airport lately, have you? Well, if Today's B.S. lead story is to be believed - they have GONE MAINSTREAM and may live next to you. How's that for scary talk? So, find out if they still shave their heads?.
Digging Deeper:
Betrayal of the Spirit: My Life behind the Headlines of the Hare Krishna Movement

Would you like to take a UFO survey? Three questions (I took it and it took less than a minute.) - one comment box if you wish to comment. The link takes you to a short video Overview of how the Obama administration recently answered questions about UFOs on Earth.
 - wow, a MISSING Time research study in the UK.
10 YouTube videos about the Hollow Earth Theory. Today's B.S. Entertains.
Speaking of UFOs and thinking of Thanksgiving ------ how about giving thanks that The Exopolitics Folks Have Quieted Down? - or, is it Quieted Up? Did they have NO where to go after claiming insiders who had been to the USA's Mars Base?
Hollow Earth: The Long and Curious History of Imagining Strange Lands, Fantastical Creatures, Advanced Civilizations, and Marvelous Machines Below the Earth's Surface

Have you ever wondered how you are charged for the gas you use? Like to heat hot water? IMO, folks are no more aware of the way it works than in 1905 - when the idea of GAS in your home was actually a new idea. Time Travel on TBS.
(click above picture to greatly enlarge)
Orly Taitz Challenge To Obama Ballot Eligibility Rejected By New Hampshire Election Officials - Why The Obvious Fake Certificate Was No Problem.
 see what an independent computer guy says
TBS's sexy pic? Sure Low Riders!
Finally, here's a fun video - you'll have to watch it all the way thru before it even gets really going - but, you have to hear this little girls bird sound abilities:

TBS hopes you have been entertained today. Please, bookmark this webpage and return again soon to Barf Stew. And, please support independent blogs such as this by your purchases and interest in sponsors. Thanks. Oh, and please share BS with the Facebook buttons below.

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