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Friday, November 18, 2011

The `What IF' Questions!

Hello Barfsters - thanks for your return visit. Today's lead B.S. post provides some deep thinking on a deep subject - our very existence and its relationship in the whole ball of wax we call reality. Epic Jeff brings it all in a easy to read yet detailed post. What IF?
Oh, on UDCC yesterday as part of the End Is Near post I had some Amazon products that came up for The End Is Near in search. One of them was Stripper Shorts with the words The End Is Near on them. Similar to the ones you can purchase below for your GF or Wife.
Stripper Shorts - Under 15 Bucks
Which brings TBS to the near daily Sexy Picture - Couple Teens Modeling - cuties.
Hey, have you heard of the new Canadian money that is made from PLASTIC? Read it here.
Ready to flip out?

And, you can buy your own Time Lapse Camera Right Here. Or, click the example Icon below:

However, with almost NO time lapse - a Jeopardy Contestant recently did the near impossible See The Double Double Here.
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