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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Would/Will/Do These UFO FLEETS Convince You Of An Alien Invasion?

As a person that searches for UFO videos on YouTube - the range of what can be found is amazing - with lots of phonies, frauds, crazies and so on and so on. And, while many may sense an End Is Near contagion seems to be increasing, - a handful of folks think that the END will arrive from our skies. And, NO, not nukes -- but, aliens instead.

Indeed, some folks think that those aliens have been making themselves more and more visible, especially lately. So, in that spirit - and remember this websites name - Today's B.S. - TBS presents THE NOVEMBER 2011 UFO FLEET INVASION:
First up - as always - an unsourceable DAYTIME ORB UFO Fleet - FILMED NOV. 12TH - Under 4K views. And, as always, the MSM can and will trot out the standard daytime explanation - `they are ballons' reason: (The truth? Who Knows?) The video has been linked to by such authorites as (lol). And now Barf Stew. MSM reportedly jealous.

Then, the nighttime version of the same - which the MSM can and will always dismiss as `Chinese Lanterns' - convienent how both daytime UFO fleets and nighttime UFO fleets have such a convenient cover. Anyway - here's the nighttime scenario - In New Orleans -- ON THE SAME DAY/NIGHT 11-12 (ONE DAY AFTER THE OBVIOUS ALIEN SHOW UP DATE):
With over 11K views already:

The above video is hot in Europe.
And, if you really want to get sucked into the current contation of the end being near - how about - The cabalists struggle in vain to stop the new financial system - MUST read comments about the NWO about to be sprung - Barf or Stew?
And, are you aware of the extreme of all this thought on my blog called When The SHTF? - Find that Here.
AND, I've been featuring this End Of Time theme on UDCC too today - as what I call a `Lone Truthman' leads the charge at telling everyone of Google Earth proof that we are about to be attacked by Underwater UFOs that are now airborne. (The same as in the Fleets perhaps?)
The bottom of the rabbit hole is near.

Pleased you came by again today Barfsters. Much more content - almost 650 posts worth - is available via the sidebar OR, the new Goggle Search box in the sidebar which searches THIS SITE for anything you have an interest in.
Help spread the BS word via the share buttons below - facebook, Google+ and others. Thanks.


  1. fear mongering crap! These are all Military Industrial UFO crafts owned by the secrect black ops goverment. We had our own built UFO craft built since the Hitler days. Now the goverment is using it to put fear in the minds of humanity. Fear is what keeps this crap alive and make people like you think the end is here. Welcome to the mind control Secret Society NWO!


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