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Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Hogdog Harry Story

What's that you ask? Today's B.S. asks - Have You Ever Had Dreams To Raise Money For A Book/Movie? - This is called the ground level, with video. And, Barf Stew is Barking about it. Barfsters may want to put mustard on this one. (Yes, there IS a HotDog Harry.)
Today's gonna be just a bunch of links as I clean out the closet a bit before the new year - as I did yesterday over at UDCC - in a wideranging post that even included Missing Time Experiences and Remote Viewing.
Wondering about the Least Social-Connected City In America? They aren't in Billings Montana. Cool list, see who is number one for most connected.
Here's something for the Barf Stew from Japan:

Are you familiar with the Global Consciousness project (I did my first blog post ever about it on The Heavy Stuff in 2006.)? It's about a series of linked computers producing random numbers. Moreso, it's about how we are all Linked Together.
BS continues to be searched for Sexy Teen Models - Like this Girl From Teen Hose - WOW, a beauty.
Elliot Waves? ----- No, not yet, just Bizarre Robot Traders.
Is The Splash Crash Upon Us?
Here Eric Wargo - a YEAR ago - expresses the OWS frustrations = a tease:
Since the beginnings of civilization some 10,000 years ago, the rift between the haves and the have-nots has widened and widened. Is there any reason to think the Singularity or any social/technological horizon like that would reverse the trend? Somehow I don’t expect that the first cohort of the Uploaded Super Rich will be eager to share their privilege or even let us know of it. How will the rest of us react to news that Bill Gates uploaded his consciousness to a computer housed in an expensive artificial body? Will we be celebrating with him? Probably not. He’ll have to do it in secret … or retreat to his lunar estate.

The classic sci-fi dystopia is humanity enslaved by our machines. I imagine a slightly different future, in which humanity is enslaved—or not enslaved, just kept perpetually in the workaday status quo—by the Uploaded Super Rich, jealously protecting their immortality. The USRs will retreat to their space stations, finally to the asteroid belt or farther, each one a demigod, each one a Howard Hughes, each one descending into paranoia and finally a lonely machine madness, while the rest of us keep going to work and now and then upgrading to the latest iPhone.
The blog the above is found on is called Nightshirt - a great thinking mans blog - The Nightshirt.
Finally for today - IF The Crappola Hits The FAN in 2012 - you can be ready with an emergency 275 meal kit for under 120 bucks (originally nearly 300 bucks) - meals last up to 20 years. Click the picture for more info:
Could be the most important Christmas Gift You Ever BUY.

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