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Monday, December 12, 2011

Beyond The Edge Radio

Hello Barfsters - a self plug today about an upcoming interview that I will provide to Beyond The Edge Radio - The show has a great archive for you to explore before my January 15th, 2012 `appearence'. The show is hosted by Eric Altman and Lon Strickler - very knowledgeable and experienced seekers of the unknown manifestations that seemingly occur within our perception structure. Again, give the site a visit to see the great lineup of coming and previous guests. Lon's over the top site Phantom's and Monsters can be checked out Right Here.
Remember the BS story about the old guy who faked being a doctor walking around an apartment complex giving free breast exams? ...... Anyway....... Here's a lady giving Penis Silicone Injections - and yes, she's not a doctor. Bit of a different twist here however - instead of the `victim' being humiliated by their own stupidity - this victim is dead.
Barfsters are known to like the teen hottie pictures on Barf Stew --- AND --- to love the Time Travel Pictures. Here, TBS combines both in this `smokin 1939 poolside babe':
No, you haven't missed yet the story of the 10 Year Old Giving Birth find out where by clicking.
Ready for a bit of revisionist history only 5 days old? Sure you are. Here's a link to a story about how the UK would be crushed by a Euro Breakup and here you thought they vetoed something that was important.
Ready to be Entertained? How about a Tight Rope Wedding From The Fabulous Fifty's?

UFO blog UDCC worked it out yesterday with an essay about Time Travel - And How UFO Craft Cannot Be From Earth's Future - BUT COULD - Be From Earth's Past - note the word could.
Well, TBS has provided the ParaNormal link, The Sleaze and the Economic Stuff - but, if you were waiting for the sleaze, sexy and something slightly perverse picture of the day - then make sure to see this Only In Russia Picture. Are these mother and daughters?
The Barf Stew Mix.

Thanks For Being A Barfster Today
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