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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

HOT NEWS - The RAPTURE INDEX Backs Off Highest Readings Ever?

For those of you waiting for the big return/big moment - your number guide for such an event has backed off the August 8th alltime high reading of 184 - And Is Now 180 (out of maximum 225) getting downgraded by two points on Dec. 5th (or upgraded based on your point of view) for `improvement of the unemployment rate to 8.6% (you know, all those discouraged workers, who now have no benefits, and are ready to chuck it all in and have given up even looking for work - they are reason to rejoice evidently) and the other `downgrade' was to Famine (from the maximum of Five to a Four) - seems it hasn't been in the news at a level to warrant the maximum. --------------- Guess that Jesus has ascended a bit further up into the clouds for now?

Looking for today's hottie? Your wait is over - check out this Future Pole Grinder with great legs and hose. Russian chick, so you know she's hot.
Meanwhile..... Billionaire investor George Soros says that the global financial system is on the brink of collapse. - Crap Is Hitting The Fan Message.
Billionaires Write Books?

 Here's what he says about 08's Economic Collapse
Today's ParaNormal Link? How about the BEST test online for PSI skills? Got PSI? Careful, addictive.
Here's something you will forward I bet. An interactive software program that scans peoples faces in Berlin - then, evaluates whether the consensus face shown to the city is Happy or Sad - Trippy City Smiley - cool story with video if desired. Unique.
Well... how about a second helping of the paraNormal today? Writer/experiencer Dan Mitchell, who is now allowing comments on his blog even, writes up a recent possible contact with an Alien Technology - fun read at the least.
As Barfsters know TBS loves TIME Travel stuff. So, here is a video of 1921 and how to make a Bra out of two hankies: Under 4K views. You'll forward this too I bet:

Sexy Virtual Girl? Yep! Barf Stew Entertains! (for full sized picture)
For those who come to BS for disgusting videos that are slightly perverted - this fits the bill:

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