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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blogging Without Reason - The Backwater Of Anomalous Material

So, I come across this blogger who seems to put quite a bit of effort into things - with almost no one seeming to notice (ie:followers, backlinks, alexa rank, comments, etc) and one has to wonder how long interesting blogs such as this guys will exist. So, to the end of exposing blogging efforts - Here's Ironymous! with NO Alexa rank - 326 posts already this year after more than 400 last year - excellent posts covering many aspects of the world power structure of interest. Cool politics and more. ------------ Think that is something? The same guy has several other cool blogs - this one has been updated with similar material to the above link over 130 times this year - It's called Nomad Files. No Alexa rank either. --- But wait, he has more -- and I will link to that one - perhaps his best - at my UFO blog later today.
My UFO blog - UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock.
Here for the sexy pic of the day? This one is sure to please - Sexy Barmaid And Friend. Yowser.
Speaking of being unneedlessly sexy - how about changing your panties in public - ON TV? Could this have been done on a dare?: May want to freeze frame at 0:17!

Ready for some new confusing information about Sexting by young people? Well, evidently, one recent study put a figure of 20% involvement - but, then you have info like this that says Just One Percent. Stewable.
As Barfsters know - one of the other picture treats on TBS often are the Time Travel Pictures on Shorpy. Today's features the LARGEST WOODEN BUILDING EVER - 1905 Florida!
Hey, it's humpday - good for one more Chick Pic. Are these the tiniest `shorts' and tightest shorts - you have EVER seen on someone in public?

So, Christmas is coming up and you don't know what to get that is 1/4 scale?------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Click The `somewhat pricey' Amazon Doll To The Left. I bet you didn't even know that stuff like this was sold on Amazon, right?
Tomorrow will be post 666 here at Barf Stew - Don't miss it. Oh, PLEASE use the `share buttons' below to spread the Barf Stew word to the world. Thanks. Support of independent bloggers is important.
A 666 Jewelry Piece

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