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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

IS The MSM `Downplaying' The 2012 Fear?

Barfsters - something to think about perhaps. As you know, just last week we passed the one year threshold of the End of Time date via the Mayan Calendar and such. And, while certainly touted and milked for as much media cash as possible via 2012 disaster movies, books, lectures and such over the years - doesn't it seem a bit strange that the MSM glossed over that one year countdown? They did in BS's opinion.

And now, the very date 2012 is upon the world - just days away - AND WHERE HAS THE HYPE GONE? Is all of that kind of fear, concern, and horror to be left to an offhand comment by Anderson Cooper at Midnight; with Kathy Griffith mocking him for even mentioning it?  Will that set the tone officially? Have the horrors of economic collapse and worthless political systems now vanished?.........  So, the solar maximum in 2012 was nothing to be concerned with after all?
Or, is there NO Fear?
 Interesting Amazon Book, Click Picture For More Info
MRH updated yesterday with info about how one state is launching a petition to Hold Recall Elections For Their Senators - news the MSM says once and then ignores.
Digging into the archive again for a Barfster Sexy Girl Picture Favorite - this sizzling hot blond in a white Nightie is sure to please even the most harsh judges. Is she even real?
ParaNormal, Politics, and sexy Pictures - The Barf Stew Mix.
Finally, if you ever wondered what happened to SAUCER UFOs - my UFO blog yesterday featured a number of links to such that appeared in 2011 on YouTube.

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