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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

TV Hosts Eat Fried Human Flesh

And, as long as it is legal in Denmark - it's fine with Barf Stew. Wonder what tasted best - Buttocks Or Belly? --- more lurid details a click away.
Barfsters know that the BS mix includes a daily sexy picture - like this Exhibitionist Display in public. And women wonder why they may be viewed as sex objects?
As you know folks - TBS is not convinced of ANY improvement coming down the economic highway - especially in housing. That said, does this VERY intellectual analysis suggest that we may indeed soon have yet another housing explosion? Unless Household Arrangements Are Permanently Changed due to the economic mess. This is not for lightweights.
BS does Economics.
Swimsuit of the 1930's - just making sure the college students haven't moved onward yet.
ParaNormal? Okay - how about a bit about the Space Brothers and the Forces of Light? What in the world with the `new agers' say when 2013 comes?
Barfsters are aware that the police use Pepper Spray - but, did you know that Peppers - specifically Chile Peppers - have been used for ages to Modify Conduct? - Interesting science slant.
Ok, one final paranormal link for today - it's at The Heavy Stuff - which is counting down the Top Five Anomalous Events of 2011 - Including The Story Of The Year About A Giant Rabbit.
Thanks for your visit today.
 Goes Great With Buttocks!

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