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Friday, December 2, 2011

Is MSM Underplaying UK's Intentions With Iran?

Obviously, one of the largest pieces of barf in Today's Stew is IRAN and what ultimately `the west' will do about their NUKE ambitions. My read, despite the events last week in Iran, is that nothing is immanent. But, is that the case? Here is John from the UK who sent me his comments:
Well Rick, I suppose you have already seen the news about Iran attacking the British Embassy and the British government expelling all Iranian embassy officials. Could be the start of World War three ! Instead of trying some diplomacy and negotiating with Iran they are going bloody mindedly into a full frontal attack on the country.

Yesterday there was a strike by approximately two million workers, teachers, council workers who do all manner of jobs from street cleaning up,even Job centres where people go to sign for unemployment benefit closed for the day. This unfortunately is only a token gesture, in my Home City Liverpool about eighteen miles away there are people camping outside the museum and art galleries and others are giving them food while they demonstrate.

This has to be the time of the conscious awakening, this World of ours needs to change and War might be the onset. Considering the situation financially across the World, memories of similar scenarios of hard times and economic gloom came before the last two World Wars.This could all turn about but only through the removal of those who now hold power in both our countries, new money has to go and be replaced by considerate individuals who would become answerable to their voting collective.

Please feel free to quote me on this Rick ..John
Barfsters are welcome to chip in their point of view too.
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