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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lying on Her Food Stamp Application - 3 Years Prison

Want to read about the absurdities of the USA's so-called `justice' system? How about 4 felony drug convictions with under 2 weeks in jail for one defendant (while others in jail for years for less I'm sure) - yet - go to prison when the offense is lying on a form about those felony convictions? (Remember, very few to NONE of these folks in prison for drug only related offenses should even be in prison to begin with.) Anyway, read all about the Serving of Barf Justice . Oh, she had already repaid the illegal amount of food stamp services over the previous four years. You will also enjoy the sentence given to Mortgage Fraudsters in the same community.
And, they wonder why folks are in the streets up in arms?
Boy, did I find you are great website to surf - Frontiers of Anthropology - and this article in particular about Sun Worshipping Cultures and how they spread across the globe
Speaking of sun worshipping - get up CLOSE via this photo of this Sexy Swimsuit Teen In Braces - Yowser.
The police raided the Los Angeles and Philadelphia Occupy Movements yesterday - 200 booked in LA and about 60 in Philly - More Details Here.
Have you heard of the wildcat labor strikes in China? - Seems sales are down so the government simply reduced the pay of the workers directly. - Strange - Read all about it.....
One more Random Sexy Picture with a twist of strangeness.
Every once in awhile on TBS we feature a Squidoo Webpage/Blog -- and Today's B.S. found a very insightful and well written piece by a guy in the tradition of Carlos Castaneda and controlled lucid dreaming - his page is called I Dream.

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