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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santelli Balances The USA Budget In Under 2 Minutes

One can only hope that there is a groundswell which forces Rick Santelli to run for President. As many folks know, he is one of the FEW folks on TV who actually knows what the world financial condition IS. Which is crappy and barfy of course. But, in a rant that I saw the other day LIVE and loved - here he is to show you just how easy it is to cut thru the clutter. Brilliant stuff.

Meanwhile...... in another CNBC link..... Outrageous Predictions: A Third-Party President? - OH GOD, we could only hope, right? A tease:
The Democrats are "in ideological disarray" and will get the blame for the continuing economic malaise, while the "favor-the-rich" Republicans will not win the popular vote, they predicted, leaving the race open for a third-party, as yet unannounced, candidate
The above is only one of a group of Outrageous Predictions by a group that has been making them for investors about things that COULD change the marketplace that have some plausibility. They feature predictions like Europe To Close Their BANKS For a Week In A Bank Holiday - perhaps some are NOT so Outrageous.
As Barfsters know - politics and ecomomics is a part of the ingredients of our Stew Mix. Now, here's another part of the broth - a daily TBS sexy girl picture - Like This Jailbait Downblouse - wow. Naughty.
Must be time for the `spacey' side of TBS - like the paranormal experiences of Dan Mitchell, which he elaborates at his blog called Luminosity - and in this post..... well, here's a tease:
..... During this conversation I truly felt bad for him.  I say that because this was very reminiscent of my "Through The Obsidian" post where I struggled for days trying to piece events together.  For nearly five days straight my entire house was under assault.  I would show up to work at 5am not knowing how I got there, or why I showed up early.  I couldn't remember what I had for dinner the night before.  My wife couldn't remember making dinner, going to sleep, etc. Events such as getting home from work seemed to stop abruptly and then all of a sudden I was showing up at work the next day.  These gaps in time and spontaneous appearances are unimaginably strange. For a time I truly wondered if perhaps I was dead and living a pseudo-life.  This idea plays very prominently in all of my experiences.  When all was said and done, my mind learned how to integrate these gaps and even create false-stories in order to protect myself from what potentially took place.  I am now beginning to believe that all human life may be non-linear and consensus reality is simply piecing it all together to form a cohesive whole that may not even be there. Strange events may occur when we catch on to this pseudo-linearity or recognize something out of place.
Dan's experiences are like Lujan Mathis's except with low awareness IMO. I hope Dan reads LM's words at some point.

Be here for more Barf tomorrow.
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