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Friday, December 16, 2011

The 2009 San Antonio 911 Bigfoot Call

As Barfsters know, I am not the biggest enthusiast about the Bigfoot phenomena. Not because I don't believe that folks see SOMETHING and possibly even see an unknown large hairy creature not of the Earth - I just don't believe that any `populations' of Bigfoots exist in any one location - and that they are temorary phenomena of some sort. Perhaps a thought form.

But, if that's the case, why would a temporary thoughtform need to eat a deer carcus? --------- Anyway, I was looking around Professor Hex's webpage and came across one of his pieces that he does for the examiner. It was this Bigfoot 911 call you find below:

Of most interest is that the Professor links to TWO possible (albeit small) explanations of a more mundane manner - find those out in his Write-Up of the event. Quite Stewable.
As you know, our worthless politicians and beyond worthless MSM is scared to death of the marijuana people - and, have now gone so far as to make all forms of the `legal pot' (available in headshops) illegal --- you probably aren't even aware of the FAKE legal pot I bet. But, our worthless politicians have now taken upon their NEVER TOO BIG government idea and the idea that THEY OWN YOUR BODY and what you put into it - to a new level - now they seek to make illegal - and that is - a specific brain function - IE: being stoned - Read more about BIG Brother here. Perhaps meditating brain states should be illegal too? Barf, as always, from our worthless government.
So, first paranormal, --- then politics ---- must be time for the daily TBS sexy picture? Yep. RED Hot Devil In Panties. Those sexy teens, thank goodness. BS Entertains.
The Barf Stew Mix - Ready For Another Helping?
How about Remote View Healing? From Emerging Divine Humans? --------- Is that a thick enough broth for you? --- learn more of how you are missing the Coming Ascention Here. Barf or Stew?
If you live in the SE in a woodsy area you have probably heard the Barred Owls calls in the middle of the night. Once about five years ago I heard what you will hear on this YT video at about the 2:30 seconds mark. As I said to my neighbor the next day of my experience - How'd you like that Baboon in the woods last night?

And yes, that is a Barred Owl Orgasm.
Here for UFO/SKY links? Got a good one from N.C. - Has The Sky Noise Phenomena Come To NC?
TGIF right? How about a big of deeper esoteric type of reading then to make the weekend come sooner? 5 Aspects of Ancient Dream Technology That Boost Lucid Dreaming - Excellent Overview.
Is Maria Sharapova one of the sexiest women on the planet? Do men love women's legs? How about the very best rolled into one? A website called Skimpy Skirts that has FIVE years of skimpy celebrity skirts to enjoy.
The Barf Stew Mix
Ready for more Barf Stew? How about an Atlanta man who won a million on another scratch off game? For The Second Time - which seems like huge bit of luck, right? That is until you find out that Others Are ON To the Scratch Off Gimmick.
Meanwhile.... Shock as retreat of Arctic sea ice releases deadly greenhouse gas.... Russian research team astonished after finding 'fountains' of methane bubbling to surface - And, since methane is 20 times more potent than Carbon Dioxide it matters. See the map of the HUGE area we are talking about. Methane Bubbles.
See You Tomorrow?



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