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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Top Sleaze Winners 2011 - The Barf Seven

Hello Barfsters: Actually today was post 665. But, if you came for an `End Of Year' Top Post type listing - you are in luck. You are especially in luck if you come to Barf Stew for the Sleaze. Indeed, Today's BS presents the:

Top Sleaze Winners 2011

1. The Popularity Of Horse Semen `Shots' At A Restaurant - So, what would happen if you put horse semen shots on the menu? And priced them quite expensive? Find out more at the link - Horse Semen Shots - find out which sex is more interested in swallowing 300 million sqirming horse semen at a time! And, what country this phenomena is spreading from!

2. The CDC Scientist Being Spanked By Child While Being Brought To Arousal By Same - Also - Accused Of Beastiality With Multiple Pets! Lewdist Acts Ever? - Find out her connection to the janitor of the CDC. Oh my oh my.

3.How Female Protesters In Egypt Had To Undergo `Viginity Tests' - our/those Arab brothers have such High Standards you know.

4.The finding that Mom's Compare The Size Of Their Kids Penises (?) - Area Still Forbidden On TV?.

5.Death Of 14 Year Old Rape Victim After Public Flogging (one of our arab buddies of course) - The Underbelly of Religion That The MSM Would Rather Gloss Over.

6.Woman Wins Right To Masturbate At Work - Relax, it's only Brazil law and what BS is wondering is Will Exhibitionists Be Given The Same Right? 

7.Child Rapist Allowed Unlimited Access To Child Porn In Jail - Find Out Why. This one is only in America.
Tomorrow The Definition of Sleaze Will Transfer To The Political Arena - For Post 666 on Barf Stew - Today's B.S.
Finally, enjoy your read of these Amazon Titles on the best of Sleaze 2011 listing:

Make sure to return for post 666 tomorrow

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