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Friday, December 30, 2011

Woof 2011 - Woman Dies From Intimacy With Chat Room Supplied Dog

Somehow this slipped by the sleaze sensors all around the perimeter of the TBS kennel earlier this summer. Wait till you read how long the dog has been in Quarantine - yeah, more lurid details at the link including breed of dog, cause of death, and how many children the temptress had. One also has to wonder if this is a first.
Now, here's a real unusual blog and a link to a 1984 big brother story about `tag readers' coming to a road near you soon. But, also, make sure to get into the very idea of A Free-Talking Police Blog - they even have a bloglist.
Sleaze, Politics ..... Must be time for some sexy girl pictures, right? Like this wonderful Downblouse on a busty beauty.
The Barf Stew Mix
Here for a UFO link? What IF Orb Callers Have Advanced Minds? --- Barf or Stew?
BTW, BS is standing by it's bold predictions for the final percentages in the Iowa Caucus next week as the MSM has done the `expected job' on each of the near worthless candidates (RP excepted). You know, the funny thing about Ron Paul is that IF one wanted to slice the size of the government -- could there be a better way than to literally live up to the constitution? I don't hear any of the other worthless candidates saying how they would downsize the government in any specific sense like RP.
And TBS can't ignore the growing drumbeat once again just beginning after the latest `half-save' of the European Union - first El-Erian, the Trillion dollar man, says that the IMF Has Been Bullied By Europe and here's yet another story about the Flash Crash and how fears are rising again that Again. Gotta follow what the BIG money boys are saying.
Have you seen the flood of ads by YouTube and such on the internet? I find it interesting what they are picking to feature - the ongoing `show' aspect is what I detect they are pushing. Very interesting IMO. The NEW TV?
Remember the days when kids were kids? Like the days when `The Boys' were the ones to distribute the daily paper to folks? Like in this picture from 1910 - Today's Shorpy.

More To Barf About Tomorrow

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