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Thursday, December 29, 2011

The SOPA Act - Today's BS Does Its Part

Barfsters, I received this e-mail from an internet provider I use for other sites - it's about the only worthwhile e-mail I've ever gotten from them but it is important and one I wanted to share with readers of BS. I provide the whole letter except for the link to their pitch for services:

Dear Sir/Miss,

You may have heard about Protect-IP (PIPA) and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) currently under consideration in Congress. If passed, among other things, SOPA requires Web hosting companies like 1&1 to police websites in
order to prevent them from communicating copyrighted information on the internet. We would like to make sure you are aware of 1&1’s official position on SOPA.

As a global provider of domains and hosting services, we oppose the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) or Protect-IP (PIPA) Acts currently under consideration. While we observe the concerns of those who are troubled by the potential impact on protecting intellectual property online, 1&1 feels there is an urgent need to strike a balance between dissemination of and access to information and protection against its illegal use within the public domain.

The US government is currently reviewing SOPA and PIPA as possible ways to prevent unlawful distribution of copyrighted materials available on the internet. These current proposals, if passed, would allow for significant interventions into the technological and economical basis of the internet.

This could put the vast benefits and economic opportunities of entirely legal and legitimate e-business models at risk. Generally, companies offering technological services should not be forced to be the executor of authority in such matters. If they were to act upon every implication of content infringement without any judicial research into the actual usage of its customers, the integrity behind their customer’s freedom of information and speech would be enormously harmed.

1&1 Internet, Inc. has worked through associations and with related companies to ensure that these aspects are taken into account. Thus, we welcome the serious consideration by the US Congress of the potential harmful effects on Internet freedom should SOPA and / or PIPA be passed as law, and hope the stability of the Internet’s domain name system (DNS)
remains intact.

We encourage every Internet user concerned about these plans to contribute to the debate and to raise their voice with their local representatives in the House or Senate. One way to express your concerns could be to use one of the websites that emerged to protect user interests in the current legislative debate, such as

At 1&1 we support you, our customer, and an open internet. If you find that you are supporting a company that encourages SOPA and wish to drop them as
a provider, .....

Thank you for being one of our extremely valued customers, and for taking the time to read this.

Best regards,
Frederick Iwans
General Manager 1&1 Internet Inc.

As you may have noticed - the MSM is starting to go a bit nuts about Ron Paul having a chance to win in Iowa's Caucuses next Tuesday, -- flinging stupid charges of racism to hopefully deflect the support that RP is getting from independents and liberals who love his `get out of the world with our military' position. Anyway, you gotta love what just happened Bachmann's Campaign Chair Jumped Ship To Call the media he's on RP's side now.
Sexy YouTube?

UFO links you say? How about a long discussion about Orb Callers? One that suggests that some of them, well perhaps all of them, are different than most folks. Higher Consciousness Connections (today's post of 12-29)
The Today's B.S. Mix - Politics, ParaNormal, and Sexy Pictures - Near Daily. Be here for the 2012 madness.
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